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Building an application from a Blueprint file

2 Tasks

15 mins

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Pega Platform '24.1
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U+ Bank is expanding their retail financial services business to include personal lending. U+ Bank has decided to utilize Pega GenAI™ Blueprint functionality to speed up the creation of a Retail Loan Origination application. Once you have defined the Product Onboarding application in Blueprint, you create and download a .blueprint file that you then import to build the application in Pega Platform™.

Note: The RetailLoanOrigination.blueprint and RetailLoanOrigination.pdf files have been provided for this challenge.

Use the following credentials to log in to the exercise system:

Role User name Password
Application Developer author@uplusbank rules

Your assignment consists of the following tasks:

Task 1: Import the Blueprint file into Pega Platform

Download Retail Loan Origination Blueprint and Retail Loan Origination PDF files to your desktop. Import the downloaded Blueprint file into Pega Platform to build the Retail Loan Origination application.

Task 2: View the application

View the application to ensure it matches with the application overview in the Blueprint PDF file.

You must initiate your own Pega instance to complete this Challenge.

Initialization may take up to 5 minutes so please be patient.

Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Import the Blueprint file into Pega Platform

  1. Download the Blueprint RetailLoanOrigination Blueprint file to your desktop.


  2. Download the RetailLoanOrigination PDF file to your desktop.


  3. On the exercise system landing page, click Launch Pega Infinity™ to log in to Dev Studio.
  4. Log in as an Application Developer.
    1. In the Username field, enter author@uplusbank.
    2. In the Password field, enter rules.
  5. In App Studio, click Application > New application.
  6. In the What type of Application do you want to build? page, click Build from a Blueprint.
    Create Application Blueprint
  7. In the Build from a Blueprint page, and Select a Blueprint section, select Upload a Blueprint.
    A screenshot of button to Select a Blueprint for upload
  8. Click Select a Blueprint to upload.
  9. Select the RetailLoanOrigination.blueprint file downloaded in Step 1.
  10. Click Upload Blueprint.
    Note: In the current environment, this can take up to a minute for the file to upload.
  1. Open the Retail Loan Origination PDF file downloaded in Step 2 for your reference.
  2. In the Build from a Blueprint page, review and verify the Application name and the Built-on application names.
    Build from Blueprint
  3. Click Next.
  4. Confirm the Case Types match those in Retail Loan Origination PDF file, click Next.
    A screenshot of the Case Types from a Blueprint file.
  5. Confirm the Data Objects match those in the Retail Loan Origination PDF file, click Next.
    A screenshot of the data objects from a Blueprint file.
  6. Confirm the Personas match those in the Retail Loan Origination PDF, click Next.
    A screenshot of the Personas from a Blueprint file.
  7. Review and confirm Application settings, then click Submit.
    A screenshot of the Blueprint Configuration settings.
    Note: In the current environment, when Pega is creating your application, this can take several minutes.
  1. Click Go to app.
    Blueprint Users

2 View the application

  1. From App Studio, confirm that the Retail Loan Origination application is displayed.
    Blueprint Retain loan Overview
  2. In navigation pane, click Case Types. Confirm the Case Types match that in Retail Loan Origination PDF file.
  3. In navigation pane, click Data. Confirm the Data Objects match that in Retail Loan Origination PDF file.
  4. In navigation pane, click Users > User management. Confirm the Personas match that in Retail Loan Origination PDF file.

This Challenge is to practice what you learned in the following Module:

Available in the following mission:

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