Application Development Intermediate
Application Development Intermediate
7 Módulos
7 Retos
7 horas
Take the next step in your journey towards mastering Application Development.
Constellation Adoption
Constellation Adoption
5 Módulos
11 Retos
12 horas 10 minutos
Explore Pega's Constellation architecture and learn about building Views, debugging applications, and working directly with the DX API.
Note: This...
Data and Integration Intermediate
Data and Integration Intermediate
8 Módulos
8 Retos
5 horas 40 minutos
Continue learning about data and integration using Pega Platform™.
Robotic Solution Development for Citrix
Robotic Solution Development for Citrix
3 Módulos
3 Retos
3 horas 35 minutos
Pega Robotic Automation 19.1 -
Developing automations for use in a Citrix environment is a necessary function for many clients. Developing for Citrix means you need to understand...
Senior System Architect
Senior System Architect
4 Misiones
16 Módulos
15 Retos
1 day 20 horas 35 minutos
Building upon the foundational knowledge acquired in the System Architect mission, the Senior System Architect mission continues the journey to...
Adding an external data source to a data type
Adding an external data source to a data type
2 Temas
30 minutos
Configure data types based on external data models to simplify integration with external systems.
Auto-balancing in Pega Robot Manager
Auto-balancing in Pega Robot Manager
5 Temas
30 minutos
Pega Robot Manager 8.5.2 -
Pega Robot Manager uses Auto-balancing to monitor and move robots between work groups dynamically. Automatic workload balancing reduces the number of...
Citrix robotic project design
Citrix robotic project design
1 Tema
25 minutos
Pega Robotic Automation 19.1 -
Developers must determine how an implemented Citrix environment configuration can impact a robotic solution's development by recognizing design...
Creating a Pega Platform application
Creating a Pega Platform application
3 Temas
40 minutos
Developing new applications from the ground up can be an overwhelming task for any organization and developer. Every application should adhere to an...
Exchanging data with other applications
Exchanging data with other applications
2 Temas
30 minutos
Most businesses have applications that handle a wide variety of business needs. Many of these applications need to exchange data with each other as...