Low-Code App Builder
Low-Code App Builder
12 モジュール
10 チャレンジ
11 時間 20 分
The Low-Code App Builder mission is designed for individuals who are new to the Pega Platform™ and may aspire to achieve System Architect...
Low-Code App Builder Extended
Low-Code App Builder Extended
1 ミッション
19 モジュール
18 チャレンジ
23 時間 45 分
The Low-Code App Builder Extended mission serves as a continuation of the learning journey in low-code application development using Pega Platform™...
Pega Low-Code App Factory
Pega Low-Code App Factory
4 モジュール
1時間 38 分
Pega Platform 8.4 -
At its core, Pega App Factory is a lightweight framework which runs on the Pega Platform which enables repeatable low-code development success in App...
Pega Low-Code App Factory introduction
Pega Low-Code App Factory introduction
2 トピック
22 分
Pega Platform 8.4 -
Learn about low-code development and review how Pega Low-Code App Factory aids in effectively scaling low-code in an enterprise.