Business Architect
Business Architect
16 モジュール
21 チャレンジ
1 day 3 時間 30 分
Begin your journey as a business architect with Pega Platform™ by learning the capabilities of App Studio to develop applications on Pega Platform...
Evaluating application data with Insights for Business Architects
Evaluating application data with Insights for Business Architects
1 トピック
20 分
As a Pega Business Architect, you understand that all organizations need to analyze their operations to understand the performance of their teams and...
Creating Insights for BAs
Creating Insights for BAs
2 タスク
25 分
GoGoRoad stakeholders would like to know the number of Assistance Request Cases that have been requested over the past 30 days. The stakeholders...
Case-Typ „Backlog“ untersuchen
Case-Typ „Backlog“ untersuchen
11 タスク
30 分
Sie sind gerade als Pega Business Architect in das GoGoRoad-Anwendungsentwicklungsprojekt eingestiegen.
GoGoRoad ist ein Kfz-Serviceunternehmen, das...