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Displaying data with Constellation for Business Architects

Best practices for building accessibility into Pega applications

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    Best practices for building accessibility into Pega applications

    5 トピック

    1時間 15 分

    Visible to: All users
  • Pega provides a variety of out-of-the-box accessibility features with Pega Platform™ that you can use to create an application that is accessible and...

Customizing the user interface for Business Architects

Case Life Cycle design for Business Architects

Business case for accessibility

  • モジュール

    Business case for accessibility

    3 トピック

    35 分

    Visible to: All users
  • Building accessibility into your plan for the development of applications has a cost the same as all requirements. An organization must make choices...

Adding a duplicate Case search for BAs

Adding optional actions to a workflow for BAs

Creating a data object for BAs

Configuring Primary Fields for BAs

  • チャレンジ

    Configuring Primary Fields for BAs

    4 タスク

    10 分

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  • During Directly Capture Objectives (DCO) conversations, business stakeholders revealed that GoGoRoad's CSRs waste valuable time searching for basic...

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