Low-Code App Builder Extended
Low-Code App Builder Extended
1 ミッション
19 モジュール
18 チャレンジ
23 時間 45 分
The Low-Code App Builder Extended mission serves as a continuation of the learning journey in low-code application development using Pega Platform™...
Senior System Architect
Senior System Architect
4 ミッション
16 モジュール
15 チャレンジ
1 day 20 時間 35 分
Building upon the foundational knowledge acquired in the System Architect mission, the Senior System Architect mission continues the journey to...
24.1 Release notes
24.1 Release notes
2 トピック
25 分
Pega Platform '24.1 -
This module provides an overview of the significant changes and improvements in the Pega Infinity™ '24.1 release. Learn about the Pega GenAI™ features...
Designing a mobile app experience
Designing a mobile app experience
1 トピック
20 分
Mobile app experiences built with Pega Platform™ can be configured for each user role. Learn how to personalize the theme colors of a mobile app...
Designing UI for multiple devices
Designing UI for multiple devices
3 トピック
30 分
Leverage responsive behavior, such as that found in layout templates, to create an optimal user experience regardless of which device users prefer.
Mobile apps for Pega applications
Mobile apps for Pega applications
2 トピック
20 分
Learn how to configure delivery options for a mobile app for a Pega Platform™ application.
Case-Typ „Backlog“ untersuchen
Case-Typ „Backlog“ untersuchen
11 タスク
30 分
Sie sind gerade als Pega Business Architect in das GoGoRoad-Anwendungsentwicklungsprojekt eingestiegen.
GoGoRoad ist ein Kfz-Serviceunternehmen, das...
Designing a mobile app experience
Designing a mobile app experience
4 タスク
15 分
GoGoRoad wants to allow customers to create an assistance request Case from their mobile device. Customize the User mobile app Channel to design a...
UI für eine mobile App entwerfen
UI für eine mobile App entwerfen
3 タスク
15 分
Das Kundendienst-Team von GoGoRoad möchte mobilen Benutzern auf einer für Smartphones optimierten Benutzeroberfläche die in der Nähe ansässigen...
Deploying a mobile app for Pega Platform
Deploying a mobile app for Pega Platform
2 タスク
10 分
The HR department wants to allow new employees to enroll in a health insurance plan on their first day of employment. To ensure that new employees can...