24.1 Ready
24.1 Ready
3 ミッション
1 モジュール
19 時間 15 分
Pega Platform '24.1 -
This mission covers the latest Pega Platform™ changes in the Pega Infinity™ 24.1 release.
Accessibility Essentials
Accessibility Essentials
5 モジュール
5 時間 35 分
According to the World Report on Disability from the World Health Organization, 15 percent of the world's population, or 1 billion people, experience...
Business Architect
Business Architect
16 モジュール
21 チャレンジ
1 day 3 時間 30 分
Begin your journey as a business architect with Pega Platform™ by learning the capabilities of App Studio to develop applications on Pega Platform...
Citizen Developer for Robotics
Citizen Developer for Robotics
4 モジュール
2 チャレンジ
3 時間 25 分
Pega Robotic Automation 22.1 -
A Citizen Developer is an individual who works outside of IT but uses Pega Robot Studio to configure workflows to automate simple to moderately...
Constellation Adoption
Constellation Adoption
5 モジュール
11 チャレンジ
12 時間 10 分
Explore Pega's Constellation architecture and learn about building Views, debugging applications, and working directly with the DX API.
Note: This...
User Experience (UX) Design
User Experience (UX) Design
5 モジュール
1 チャレンジ
3 時間 2 分
The User Experience (UX) Design mission is an advanced mission for Pega certified senior system architects (PCSSA) who are ready to take on the Pega...
Introduction to Pega Platform
Introduction to Pega Platform
18 モジュール
9 時間 10 分
Gain a high-level overview of Pega Platform™ and how you can use Pega's low-code technology to build an application that captures data and initiates...
Low-Code App Builder Extended
Low-Code App Builder Extended
1 ミッション
19 モジュール
18 チャレンジ
23 時間 45 分
The Low-Code App Builder Extended mission serves as a continuation of the learning journey in low-code application development using Pega Platform™...
Modular Enterprise Reuse Foundation
Modular Enterprise Reuse Foundation
4 モジュール
2 時間 25 分
This mission presents the foundational knowledge required to understand Pega's guidance on enterprise reuse and modular business architecture best...
Pega Constellation View-Based UI for Designers
Pega Constellation View-Based UI for Designers
1 ミッション
7 モジュール
11 時間 32 分
The Pega Constellation View-Based UI for Designers Mission prepares you to conceptualize, plan, and prototype designs for a Pega application using the...