Low-Code App Builder
Low-Code App Builder
12 Modules
10 Challenges
11 hrs 20 mins
The Low-Code App Builder mission is designed for individuals who are new to the Pega Platform™ and may aspire to achieve System Architect...
Low-Code App Builder Extended
Low-Code App Builder Extended
1 Mission
19 Modules
18 Challenges
23 hrs 45 mins
The Low-Code App Builder Extended mission serves as a continuation of the learning journey in low-code application development using Pega Platform™...
Pega Digital Messaging
Pega Digital Messaging
12 Modules
6 Challenges
7 hrs 10 mins
Pega Digital Messaging delivers frictionless experiences over all the top consumer-preferred digital channels, including chat, Facebook, Apple...
Pega Low-Code App Factory
Pega Low-Code App Factory
4 Modules
1 hr 38 mins
Pega Platform 8.4 -
At its core, Pega App Factory is a lightweight framework which runs on the Pega Platform which enables repeatable low-code development success in App...
Digital messaging
Digital messaging
3 Topics
25 mins
Pega Customer Service offers chat and messaging capabilities that provide flexibility to customers and adaptability for customer service...
Pega Customer Service performance considerations
Pega Customer Service performance considerations
3 Topics
30 mins
Pega Customer Service 8.8 -
Reviews the performance guidelines to use when implementing Pega Customer Service™ applications. Learn about performance, best practices for data...
Pega Low-Code App Factory introduction
Pega Low-Code App Factory introduction
2 Topics
22 mins
Pega Platform 8.4 -
Learn about low-code development and review how Pega Low-Code App Factory aids in effectively scaling low-code in an enterprise.
Case-Typ „Backlog“ untersuchen
Case-Typ „Backlog“ untersuchen
11 Tasks
30 mins
Sie sind gerade als Pega Business Architect in das GoGoRoad-Anwendungsentwicklungsprojekt eingestiegen.
GoGoRoad ist ein Kfz-Serviceunternehmen, das...