Pega Digital Messaging
Pega Digital Messaging
12 Modules
6 Challenges
7 hrs 10 mins
Pega Digital Messaging delivers frictionless experiences over all the top consumer-preferred digital channels, including chat, Facebook, Apple...
Senior System Architect
Senior System Architect
4 Missions
16 Modules
15 Challenges
1 day 20 hrs 35 mins
Building upon the foundational knowledge acquired in the System Architect mission, the Senior System Architect mission continues the journey to...
Debugging system performance
Debugging system performance
3 Topics
1 hr
Diagnosing performance issues requires understanding the root cause of an issue. For example, a user might report that an application takes a minute...
Digital messaging
Digital messaging
3 Topics
25 mins
Pega Customer Service offers chat and messaging capabilities that provide flexibility to customers and adaptability for customer service...
Measuring system performance
Measuring system performance
5 Topics
1 hr 20 mins
Pega Platform™ provides tools to evaluate application performance through performance statistics and events that help you distinguish between...
Pega Customer Service performance considerations
Pega Customer Service performance considerations
3 Topics
30 mins
Pega Customer Service 8.8 -
Reviews the performance guidelines to use when implementing Pega Customer Service™ applications. Learn about performance, best practices for data...
Reviewing log files
Reviewing log files
2 Topics
25 mins
Pega Platform™ provides logs that record system events such as application errors and performance and security issues. Use log files to identify and...
Assessing application performance
Assessing application performance
2 Tasks
10 mins
The Human Resources (HR) department has noticed that the open positions screen of the candidate case type has been loading the list of positions...
Case-Typ „Backlog“ untersuchen
Case-Typ „Backlog“ untersuchen
11 Tasks
30 mins
Sie sind gerade als Pega Business Architect in das GoGoRoad-Anwendungsentwicklungsprojekt eingestiegen.
GoGoRoad ist ein Kfz-Serviceunternehmen, das...
Creating a case from an email
Creating a case from an email
4 Tasks
20 mins
Your customer, U+ Bank, wants to speed up email interactions for address changes by pre-populating cases with the correct values. For address change...