Pega Digital Messaging
Pega Digital Messaging
11 Modules
6 Challenges
6 hrs 50 mins
Pega Digital Messaging delivers frictionless experiences over all the top consumer-preferred digital channels, including chat, Facebook, Apple...
Senior System Architect
Senior System Architect
3 Missions
11 Modules
11 Challenges
1 day 8 hrs 25 mins
The Senior System Architect mission continues the journey to increase your knowledge of application development on Pega Platform™. The modules in this...
Debugging system performance
Debugging system performance
3 Topics
1 hr
Diagnosing performance issues requires understanding the root cause of an issue. For example, a user might report that an application takes a minute...
Digital messaging
Digital messaging
3 Topics
25 mins
Pega Customer Service offers chat and messaging capabilities that provide flexibility to customers and adaptability for customer service...
Measuring system performance
Measuring system performance
5 Topics
1 hr 25 mins
Pega Platform™ provides tools to evaluate application performance through performance statistics and events that help you distinguish between...
Pega Customer Service performance considerations
Pega Customer Service performance considerations
3 Topics
30 mins
Pega Customer Service 8.8 -
Reviews the performance guidelines to use when implementing Pega Customer Service™ applications. Learn about performance, best practices for data...
Reviewing log files
Reviewing log files
3 Topics
30 mins
Pega Platform™ provides logs that record system events such as application errors and performance and security issues. Use log files to identify and...
Assessing application performance
Assessing application performance
2 Tasks
10 mins
The Human Resources (HR) department has noticed that the open positions screen of the candidate case type has been loading the list of positions...
Case-Typ „Backlog“ untersuchen
Case-Typ „Backlog“ untersuchen
11 Tasks
30 mins
Sie sind gerade als Pega Business Architect in das GoGoRoad-Anwendungsentwicklungsprojekt eingestiegen.
GoGoRoad ist ein Kfz-Serviceunternehmen, das...
Creating a case from an email
Creating a case from an email
4 Tasks
20 mins
Your customer, U+ Bank, wants to speed up email interactions for address changes by pre-populating cases with the correct values. For address change...