Accessibility in your project plan
Accessibility in your project plan
5 Topics
1 hr 5 mins
Building an accessible experience involves incorporating accessibility in every phase of your development cycle. Learn how to build accessibility into...
Claim navigation in Pega Smart Claims Engine
Claim navigation in Pega Smart Claims Engine
5 Topics
1 hr 20 mins
Pega Smart Claims Engine for Healthcare 8.6 -
This module details the claims user interface, describes the components of an Internal Control Number (ICN), reviews claim identifiers, and describes...
Implementing and deploying Pega Care Management
Implementing and deploying Pega Care Management
6 Topics
55 mins
Pega Care Management 8.7 -
In this module, learn about the key concepts, and best practices when implementing and deploying the Pega Care Management™ application.
Medication Therapy Management
Medication Therapy Management
2 Topics
40 mins
Medication Therapy Management (MTM) is a free program offered as part of Medicare Part D plans to certain members that meet specific criteria, as...
Working in the Patient 360 profile
Working in the Patient 360 profile
8 Topics
1 hr 35 mins
Pega Care Management 8.7 -
Learn about the key concepts and best practices for configuring Patient 360, including setting the categories for tracking social determinants of...