Socratic Module
Externalization of services
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Familiarize yourself with the externalization of services. Learn how to design deployment architectures, manage externalized services, and follow best practices for performance and security. Equip yourself to choose the right management options based on your organization's needs and handle the externalization process securely and efficiently.
Estimated module duration: 1.5 hours
Engage at your own pace, with Socrates guiding your understanding of the material. For an optimal experience, complete the module in one session.
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After completing this module, you should be able to:
- Describe the concept and advantages of externalizing services.
- Identify the third-party solutions used by Pega Platform.
- Design the deployment architecture for externalized services.
- Configure external Hazelcast, Elasticsearch, and Kafka services.
- Differentiate between self-managed, vendor-managed SaaS, self-managed with vendor license, and Pega Cloud.
- Select the appropriate management option for third-party services based on organizational needs.
- Implement best practices for deploying external services in separate containers.
- Securely handle sensitive data during externalization of services.
Available in the following missions: