Case Life Cycle design
Pega Platform™ supports the case life cycle design modeling technique. This model enables business users to see and interact with a case the same way that they think about it. Each case life cycle contains stages, processes, and steps.
For example, the case life cycle for an Onboarding case type allows the HR, Facilities, and IT teams to set up a new employee for their first day.
To accommodate the complexity and specific needs of your business, Pega Platform supports different types and configurations for stages, processes, and steps.
In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about the Onboarding case life cycle:
Stage transitions
When you design a case life cycle, consider how the case transitions from one stage to another.
In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about the transition options that are available in the stage contextual properties pane:
Stage transitions with automations
Use Change stage automation steps to transition the case progression to a specific stage automatically. This type of configuration is most useful for automated transitions to and from alternate stages.
In the Onboarding case, you add a Change stage automation to the Approval Rejection alternate stage. You configure the Change stage step to advance the case to the Verification stage once the IT setup selections are modified.
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