Go-Live readiness
Definition of Go-Live readiness
Go-Live readiness ensures the business is ready to accept and manage the application in production. During the lead up to Go-Live, you review your team's progress by referring to the Day 1 Live Plan created during the Discover phase. You then create an Adopt phase plan, which is like a roadmap for the project team. The Adopt phase plan lists a series of activities to prepare for the Go-Live event and plan the next Minimum Lovable Product (MLP). The Adopt phase describes:
- The activities that need to be completed
- The tools needed to capture feedback
- The planned communications
Planned communications ensure that your stakeholders and end-users are aware of the benefits of implementing the new solution. The business must send communications to the appropriate stakeholders at scheduled times to ensure commitment and generate excitement within the organization. Communications requesting feedback serve as a vehicle to promote awareness and user adoption.
Note: On a Pega Express™ project, Organizational Change Management processes are led by the business and not by the delivery team. Client-relationship owners are usually part of these discussions rather than the project team members.
In the following image, click the + icon to learn more about the steps to take to prepare for Go-Live.
The Go-Live readiness plan
During the Discover phase, the Pega Express delivery approach required creating a Day 1 Live Plan. Go-Live readiness is the time to update that plan. As you prepare to Go-Live, you review the Day 1 Live Plan with all relevant stakeholders to create awareness across the organization and ensure alignment with the intended outcomes.
Three key components define Go-Live readiness:
- Client leadership is ready to drive and support the new business as usual
- Business operations are ready to adopt the new business processes and use the solution
- Client support teams are prepared to maintain the platform and solution
An example of the Day 1 Live Plan template can be seen below.
Measurement of Go-Live readiness
Go-Live readiness requires a number of activities to be completed. They may include:
- Product owner accepts the backlog and test results (the application is ready!)
- If you have outstanding defects, acceptable workarounds are in place
- Performance and security tests have been successfully completed
- Your Go-Live plan includes a backup/restore option, or you have a disaster recovery process in place
- A Go-Live run sheet has been created, any downtime is scheduled, and all parties (including business users) are in agreement
- Pega Customer Support information has been provided to the client and users
- A post Go Live support plan is in place; to be managed by the client
The best way to track the activities needed to prepare for the Go Live event is to use a Go/No-Go Checklist. It is a list of common activities needed to prepare; add any activities that may be specific to your project. Once completed, you can share the results with the project team and stakeholders to get approval to move forward, or "go."
You can find the Go/No-Go Checklist template and other tools on the Pega Express Delivery Resources page.
In the following image, click on the + icons to view Go/No-Go Checklist details.
Technical readiness
Pega Platform™ provides tools to assess the health of your application. These include:
- Application Quality Dashboard, which provides you with a snapshot of the guardrail score and automated test coverage
- Pega Diagnostic Cloud, which provides hardware and performance warnings
In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about preparing for Go Live from a technical perspective.
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