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Creating new aggregates on streamable data

3 Tasks

20 mins

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Pega Customer Decision Hub '23
Decision Management
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U+ Bank uses Pega Customer Decision Hub™ to present personalized offers to customers on its website. The system architects set up the Customer Profile Designer Accelerator component and completed the integration of the U+ Bank website with the clickstream service. As a decisioning architect, you want to add two new attributes to the financial clickstream summary. The first attribute calculates the average time customer spent on the account overview page in the last week. The second attribute captures the last page that the customer visited.

Use the following credentials to log in to the exercise system:

Role User name Password
System architect SystemArchitect rules
Decisioning architect DecisioningArchitect rules

Your assignment consists of the following tasks:

Task 1: Browse the clickstream data generated from the U+ Bank website

Log in to the U+ Bank website as Barbara to generate clickstream data for the Account overview page. The financial clickstream summary uses the clickstream data set as its source. As a system architect, browse the clickstream data set in Dev Studio to analyze the generated data for the account overview page and get a deeper understanding of the JSON payload.

Task 2: Add new attributes to the financial clickstream summary

As a decisioning architect, use the Profile Data Sources landing page to add two new summary attributes to the financial clickstream summary. The Avg Active Secs Account 7 Days attribute calculates the average time customers spent on the account overview page in the last 7 days. The Last Visited Page attribute stores the name of the page last visited by the customer on the U+ Bank website.

Tip: Avg Active Secs Account 7 Days – Calculate the average PageViewActiveTime in the last week when the event is PageView and the page type is Account.
Last Visited Page – Store the value of the last page type when the event is PageView.

Task 3: Confirm that the new aggregates are populated

Log in to the U+ Bank website to generate some clickstream data. Then, browse the financial services clickstream summary records from the Customer Profile Viewer for Barbara to confirm that new attributes are populated.


You must initiate your own Pega instance to complete this Challenge.

Initialization may take up to 5 minutes so please be patient.

Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Browse the clickstream data generated from the U+ Bank website

  1. On the exercise system landing page, in the upper-left corner, click App-Switcher > U+ Bank to launch the U+ Bank website.
    Login to UBank from app switcher
  2. In the upper-right corner, click Log in > Sign in to access the site as Barbara.
    Login to UBank Website with Barbara
  3. Confirm that you are on the Account overview page.
    Caution: Do not click any links or log out.
    View the Account Overview of Barbara
  1. On the exercise system landing page, click Application Switcher > Pega InfinityTM to log in to Dev Studio.
    Login to Pega Infinity from app switcher
  2. Log in as the system architect:
    1. In the User name field, enter SystemArchitect.
    2. In the Password field, enter rules.
  3. In the header of Dev Studio, in the Search field, enter Clickstream, and then press the Enter key.
  4. In the list of results, click the data set Clickstream to open the data set.
    Launch the Clickstream data set from Dev Studio
  5. In the upper-right corner, click Actions > Run to browse the data set.
  6. In the run context, in the Operation list, select Browse.
  7. In the upper-right corner of the run context, click Run to view the run results.
  8. Confirm that the following properties have the following results:
    1. The value of the Event is PageView.
    2. The value for PageType is Account.
    3. The value for CustomerID is 15.
      Note: The PageViewActiveTime value varies by system.
      If you accidentally click links on the U+ Bank website or reuse an existing exercise environment, you might see additional records on the clipboard. To locate the record CustomerID with a value of 15, in the navigation pane, click the Results.
      Clickstream dataset results displaying data for Barbara
  1. Close the Data Set Preview window.
  2. Close the Run Data Set: Clickstream window.
  3. In Dev Studio, in the lower-left corner, click the user icon, and then select Log off to log out of the application.

2 Add new attributes to the financial clickstream summary

  1. Log in as the decisioning architect:
    1. In the User name field, enter DecisioningArchitect.
    2. In the Password field, enter rules.
  2. In the navigation pane of Customer Decision Hub, click Data > Profile Data Sources to view the data sources.
    Select Profile Data Sources from the navigation bar
  3. On the Summaries tab of the Profile Data Sources landing page, click Financial services clickstream to open the summary.
  4. On the right side of the summary, click Create aggregate to open the Create aggregate dialog box.
  5. In the Create aggregate dialog box, configure the following settings:
    1. In the Name field, enter Avg Active Secs Account 7 Days.
    2. In the Function list, select Average.
    3. In the Field list, enter or select Page view active time.
    4. In the Time window list, select Last.
    5. In the empty field, enter 7.
    6. In the last list, select days, and then click Next to define the aggregate conditions.
      Creating an aggregate to calculate AvgActiveSecsAccounts7Days
  6. In the Create aggregate dialog box, click Add condition and configure the following settings:
    1. In the first list, enter or select Event.
    2. In the second list, select is equal to.
    3. In the last field, enter PageView, and then click the Add icon to add another condition.
      Creating the first condition for the aggregate
  7. On the second condition line, configure the following settings:
    1. In the first list, enter or select PageType.
    2. In the second list, select is equal to.
    3. In the last field, enter Account, and then click Next to review the aggregate.
      Creating the second condition for the aggregate
    4. Click Submit to create the aggregate.
  8. On the right, click Create aggregate.
  9. In the Create aggregate dialog box, configure the following settings:
    1. In the Name field enter Last Visited Page.
    2. In the Function list, select Last.
    3. In the Field list, select Page type.
    4. In the Time window list, select All time, and then click Next to define the aggregate conditions.
      Creating an aggregate to calculate LastVisitedPage
  10. In the Create aggregate dialog box, click Add condition, and then configure the following settings:
    1. In the first list, enter or select PageType.
    2. In the second list, select is not equal to.
    3. In the third field, enter "", and then click Next to review the aggregate.
      Creating the third condition for the aggregate
    4. Click Submit to create the aggregate.
  11. In the upper-right corner, click Save to update the Financial services clickstream summary.
  12. In the upper-right corner, click the user icon, and then select Log off.

3 Confirm that the new aggregates are populated

  1. Return to the U+ Bank website.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click the user image, and then click Log out.
    Logout from the account overview of Barbara
  3. In the upper-right corner, click Log in > Sign in to access the Account overview page as Barbara.
    Caution: Do not click any links or log out.
  1. On the browser, return to the Pega InfinityTM login screen.
  2. Log in as the decisioning architect:
    1. In the User name field, enter DecisioningArchitect.
    2. In the Password field, enter rules.
  3. In the header of Customer Decision Hub, click the Clipboard icon, and then select Customer Profile Viewer.
    Launch Customer Profile viewer
  4. In the Customer ID field, enter 15, and then click View to open the profile for Barbara.
  5. On the Customer Profile Viewer landing page, click the Behavioral data tab.
  6. In the Summaries and aggregates list, select Financial services clickstream.
    Behavioral data displayed for Barbara
  7. In the Aggregate section, confirm that AvgActiveSecsAccount7Days and LastVisitedPage now have information in the Values column.
    AvgActiveSecs and LastVisitPage aggregates with values

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