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Dismissing a Citrix logon window

4 Tasks

20 mins

Pega Robotic Automation 19.1
Visible to: All users
Intermediate Pega Robotic Automation 19.1 Robotic Process Automation English


As a developer, you are tasked with creating a Citrix robotic solution for your company to allow users to manage a legacy application in a mixed mode environment. You already created a Citrix robotic solution to test connectivity between your development machine and the Citrix server. Now that you are satisfied that the solution is working across the Citrix channel properly, you want to identify and automatically dismiss any logon windows that appear so that the end-user does not have to manually dismiss these windows.

Your Citrix environment is set up in the following way:


Citrix Storefront URL
Citrix domain citrixdom
Citrix username citrixuser
Citrix password P4ssW0rd!
Note: Because of the technical limitations in providing a real training environment, these challenges guide you to think through testing the Citrix configuration before actual robotic solution development. The values and configuration settings provided in the steps do not connect to servers and act only as examples in the challenges.

You must initiate your own Pega instance to complete this Challenge.

Initialization may take up to 5 minutes so please be patient.

Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Identifying the window to be dismissed

  1. Launch Pega Robot Studio and open the CitrixCommunicationTest project.
  2. In Solution Explorer, right-click the CitrixCommunicationTest project and choose Add > New Windows Application to temporarily add a Windows adapter to your project. This adapter will be deleted after it has been used to gather the requisite information.
    Screenshot showing menu to add a new windows application to a robotic solution
  3. On the Add New Item window, enter TestCitrix for the application name. Click Add. The Windows adapter is added to your project.
  4. Click on CitrixTest in the Object Explorer
  5. In the Path property on the Properties window, click the ellipses button to open the Windows Open dialog.
  6. In the Open File window, navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client and select wfica32.exe. Click Open.
  7. In the properties window, set the ResolvePath property to false.
  8. In the StartMethod property, select MonitorAll.
    Screenshot showing the properties of the CitrxTest windows adapter
  9. From the Studio menu, select File > Save All to save the project.
  10. In the CitrixTest adapter tab, click Start Interrogation. The Interrogation Form appears.
    Screenshot showing the location of the start interrogation button
  11. In your browser, navigate to
  12. On the Citrix Storefront page, click Log on. The log on page is displayed.
  13. On the log on page, enter citrixdom\citrixuser in the User name field. In the Password field, enter P4ssW0rd!.
    Screenshot showing the Citrix logon page
  14. Click Log On. Your published applications are displayed.
    Screenshot showing the Citrix published applications.
  15. Click on the icon to launch the published PegaRuntime application. A Windows logon form appears.
    Note: If the ICA file does not launch automatically, click the downloaded file to launch the published PegaRuntime application.
  16. From the Interrogation Form window, click and drag the Bullseye over the logon window. Robot Studio will interrogate the Windows form.
    Screenshot showing interrogation of a windows logon form
  17. In Robot Studio, click Window Text Match Rule in the match rules frame of the adapter design window.
  18. Copy the value Windows sign-in - \\Remote from the Text field and save it in Notepad.
  19. In the match rules frame, click Window Class Name Match Rule in the match rules frame.
  20. Copy the value Transparent Windows Client from the ClassName field and save it in the same file as step 18.
    Screenshot showing windows match rules
  21. Select the Windows Logon window and click Alt+PrtSc to take a screenshot of the window.
  22. Open Paint, click Ctrl-V to paste the screenshot into Paint.
  23. Hover your cursor over the OK button. Note the (x,y) coordinates in the same place you saved the window title and window class name.
    Screenshot from Paint of the x-y coordinate location of a pixel inside the OK button of a windows logon form
  24. In Robot Studio, stop the interrogation by clicking the Bullseye again.
  25. In Solution Explorer, right click on the CitrixTest adapter. Select Delete. This adapter is no longer needed for your project.
  26. Click OK to confirm the deletion.
  27. Click File > Save All to save the project.

2 Configuring the Dialog Dismissal List property

  1. In Solution Explorer, click the Citrix Context project item.
  2. In the Properties window, in the Misc section, click the Dialog Dismissal List property. Click the ellipsis.
    Screenshot showing the dismissal property in the misc section
  3. On the DismissalSpecificationListEditorForm window, click Add.
  4. Enter the information that you previously gathered:
    • Class NameTransparent Windows Client
    • Window TitleWindows sign-in - \\Remote
    • Click X Position223
    • Click Y Position210
    Screenshot showing the DismissalSpecificationListEditorForm window
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Properties toolbar, in the Misc section, set the value of the Dismiss Dialog property to true.
  8. Select File > Save All to save the solution.

3 Deploy solution

  1. From the Solution Explorer tab on the right side, right-click the solution name CitrixCommunicationTest and select Build Solution.
  2. Right-click the project name again and select Deploy Project to begin deployment.
  3. Click OK to deploy the solution.
  4. Click OK to dismiss the Deployment Status window.
  5. On the Windows Taskbar of the Client Machine, left-click the Start button or icon and select File Explorer. The File Explorer window is displayed.
  6. Navigate to Documents > Robot Studio > Projects > CitrixCommunicationTest > CitrixCommunicationTest > bin > debug to locate the project file.
  7. Select both the .openspan and .manifest files. Right-click to copy them.
  8. Navigate to the network folder for the Citrix server > Citrix solutions. Right-click within the folder and paste the files.
  9. Click Replace the files in the destination to replace any previous deployment files.
  10. Close the folder on the client machine to go back to Robot Studio.

4 Test solution

  1. To test the functionality, click the Start button in the Standard toolbar to run the solution. The solution will run and the Windows Logon form will be automatically dismissed.

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