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Managing Application Settings


3 Tasks

30 mins

Visible to: All users
Pega Platform 8.5
Data Integration
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During development, Human Resources (HR) business partners integrate with a legacy application to identify the latitude and longitude of a provided postal code. As the application is migrated from a development environment to a staging environment and then to a production environment, the endpoint URL requires an update.

Using the Application Settings simplify maintenance of the SOAP connector integration settings, implement the Application settings for endpoint URL, response timeout, and authentication profile. As the HRApps application is migrated from development to production, the integration settings can be updated by configuring Application Settings.

Note: The endpoint URL used in this exercise does not change, as the SOAP connector URL used in this challenge is the same across the development phases.
  • Create a Category to manage a group of integration settings.
  • Create Application Settings to store endpoint URL, response timeout, and authentication profile.
Note: The Application Settings you create are used in a later challenge to prevent guardrail warnings.

The table below provides the credentials you need to complete the challenge.

Role User name Password
Senior System Architect SSA@TGB rules
Note: Your practice environment may support the completion of multiple challenges. As a result, the configuration shown in the challenge walkthrough may not match your environment exactly.

Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Creating a Category

  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click Create > SysAdmin > Category to create a Category.
  2. In the Short description text box, enter SOAP connector for latitude and longitude identification.
  3. In the Name field, enter SOAP connector.
  4. Click Create and open to open the category.
  5. Save the category.

2 Creating Application Settings

  1. Click Create > SysAdmin > Application Settings to create an Application Settings record.
  2. In the Label field, enter Service endpoint URL.
  3. In the Owning Ruleset field, enter PegaHR.
  4. In the Add to ruleset field, select HR Apps, and then select the highest available unlocked ruleset version of a ruleset.
    Application settings record configuration
  5. Click Create and open to open the Application Settings form.
  6. In the Category field, press the Down arrow key, and then select SOAP connector from the list.
  7. In the Value fields for 2- Development, 3 - Quality assurance4 - Staging, and 5 - Production, enter
    Application settings value types
    Note: You can edit the production level values if the specified value changes for different environments. 
  8. Save your changes to the Application Settings.
  9. Repeat steps 1-8 to create two new Application Settings with the details in the following table.
    Label Value for Production level
    Response timeout 120000
    Authentication profile <blank>

3 Confirm your work

  1. Open the D_pxGetApplicationSettingValue data page of Pega-RulesEngine.
    Note: In the header of Dev Studio, to the right, in the search field, enter D_pxGetApplicationSettingValue and click the search icon to display the available items.
  2. Click Actions > Run to open the Run window.
  3. In the OwningRuleset field, enter PegaHR.
  4. In Purpose field, enter ServiceEndpointURL.
  5. Under the parameters, select the Flush all instances of this page before execution check box to clear old data from the system cache.
  6. In the window header, click Run to test the data page.
  7. In the Run window, in the Results section, confirm that the pySettingValue field value is
    D_pxGetApplicationSettingValue data page results
  8. Repeat steps 3-7 to confirm the pySettingValue value by using the details in the following table.
    Purpose pySettingValue
    ResponseTimeout 120000
    AuthenticationProfile <blank>

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