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Organizing robots and assignment types in Pega Robot Manager

4 Tasks

30 mins

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Pega Robot Manager '23
Robotic Process Automation
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MyTown wants to use unattended robots to manage the spike in Service Requests on Mondays and Tuesdays of each week because historically, the data shows inquiries trend down during that same time. While investigating ways to manually manage them while auto-balancing is disabled, you decide to test moving only those robots in the Inquiry Work Group to the Service Request Work Group.

To prepare for moving the robots, first, modify the CandidateWork Group and requestor mapping that MyTown created to implement this business need. Then, the RPA services in the robot simulator are used to test the available Work Groups and ensure that the robot registration settings are configured to support manual workload balancing. You must also test that the robots from the Inquiry Work Group can move to the Service Request Work Group by manually moving them within Pega Robot Manager. Finally, a robotic schedule should be created to automate the action instead of manually moving the robots from one Work Group to another.

To finish testing, complete the following tasks:

  • Edit the candidate Work Group and requestor mapping setting
  • Verify Work Group mapping
  • Move robots between Work Group
  • Create a schedule
Note: You must complete the preceding challenge Using Pega Robot Simulator before attempting to complete this challenge.

The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the challenge:

Role User name Password
Robot Manager System Administrator RMSysAdmin myt0wn@pp1

You must initiate your own Pega instance to complete this Challenge.

Initialization may take up to 5 minutes so please be patient.

Detailed Tasks

1 Update the Candidate work group and requestor mapping

  1. In the Pega Platform™ instance for the challenge, enter the following credentials:
    1. In the User name field, enter RMSysAdmin.
    2. In the Password field, enter myt0wn@pp1.
  2. In the header of Dev Studio, click Launch portal > Robot Manager to open the Robot Manager portal.
  3. In the left navigation pane, click Settings > Unattended RPA and then click  Robot registration.
  4. Open the Candidate work group and requestor mapping section
  5. Click the More icon and then click Edit  to open the section in the edit view.
    Editing candidate work group in Robot registration settings.
  6. Click the Pencil icon to edit the row in the table.
  7. In the Candidate work group and requestor mapping dialog box, in the Requestor identifier field, enter InquireRegID.
    Dialog box to update candidate work group and requestor mapping.
  8. In the Work group column, at the end of the Service Request WG row, click the Delete icon to delete the Work Group.
    The candidate work group and requestor mapping dialog box with the icon to delete work group.
  9. Click Submit to close the window
  10. Click Save to finish saving your changes within the table.
    Verify candidate work group settings changes.

2 Validate updated work group and requestor mapping

  1. In the navigation pane, click Unattended RPA > Robots to display the Robots landing page.
  2. On the Robots tab, click INQ00 to open the Robot Details workspace.
    Select INQ00 robot
  3. In the Robots Details workspace, hover over the number of possible Work Groups to display the original configuration of the decision table.
    Check INQ00 work groups
    Note: If Pega Robot Simulator is already running, skip to step 5.
  4. Open Pega Robot Simulator and enter the following information:
    • On the Pega Robot Simulator login screen, confirm that the robot server URL matches the URL of the Pega instance.
      1. In the Enter credentials used to start robots section, enter:
        • In the User field, enter InquireRegID.
        • In the Password field, and InqRobot1!
      2. In the Enter credentials used to create cases section, enter:
        • In the User field, enter QueueRegID.
        • In the Password field, and QueRobot1!
    • Click Login to access Pega Robot Simulator.
  5. In the RPA Simulator Main window, from the Select a RPA Service drop-down, select INQRPA.
    1. Click Start to display the RPA Simulator Configure RPA Service window.
    2. Verify that the Use default credentials checkbox is selected
    3. Click Start RPA Service.
      Start Inq service
  6. In your web browser, on the Pega Robot Manager page, refresh the page to update the number of possible Work Groups for INQ00 to 1.
  7. In the Robot Details workspace, hover over the possible Work Groups and confirm that Inquiry WG is now the only Work Group that is displayed.
    Verify robot has 1 work group
  8. Repeat steps 5-7 to start the RPA service for REQRPA. 
  9. Ensure that you deselect the Use default credentials checkbox and log in again with user name SvcReqRegID and password SvcRobot1!.
  10. Click Robots in the upper-left corner to return to the Robots landing page, then confirm that the Service Request robots have two possible Work Groups configured.
    Verify both work groups are available for the SRQ01 robot.

3 Move robots from Service Request to Inquire

  1. In the navigation pane, select Unattended RPA > Workgroups.
  2. On the Work Groups landing page, click Inquiry WG to display the Inquiry WG details.
    Work groups page
  3. In the Inquiry WG details window, in the Robots section, click Bulk Actions > Move robots here.
    Select Move robots here
  4. In the Move robots dialog box, select the SRQ00 checkbox and then click Move
    Move SRQ00 robot
  5. Verify that the Inquiry WG page refreshes and displays the newly added robot, SRQ00.
    Verify SRQ00 robot moved
  6. On the upper-left, click Work groups to return to the Work Groups landing page.
  7. On the Work Group landing page, click Service Request WG to display the Service Request Work Group details page.
  8. In the Robots frame on the Service Request Work Group details page, click Bulk Actions > Move robots here.
  9. In the Move robots window, select SRQ00 and then click Move. The SRQ00 robot is returned to the base Work Group.

4 Create a schedule for SRQ00

  1. In the navigation pane, click Unattended RPA > Robots to display the Robots landing page.
  2. In the list of robots, in the SRQ00 robot row, click More > Schedule to open the Schedule actions window.
    Select Schedule robot
  3. In the Schedule actions window, click Add action to add a new row to the schedule. 
    Edit actions for schedule
  4. In the new row, update the settings with the following values:



    Select Action

    Move to work group (and Start)

    Select work group

    Inquiry WG



    Every weeks


    Duration From

    7:30 AM (Click Apply to save the time.)

    Duration To

    10:00 AM (Click Apply to save the time.)

    On Days of week

    Select Monday and Tuesday

    Start schedule on

    Select the next Monday from today's date

  5. In the Schedule actions window, verify that the values match the following image and then click Submit.
    Submit schedule actions
  6. Verify that the robot SRQ00 has an entry in the Schedule column indicating that a schedule is enabled.
    Scheduled enabled for SQ00 robot
Note: warning icon indicates an alert that the RPA Service is currently not running.
  1. Click the Edit icon next to robot SRQ00, and then edit the schedule for the robot by adjusting the dates and times to account for the current date and time.
    Create test schedule
Note: Ensure that you provide at least a 20-minute window before selecting a start time. For example, if it is 11:00 AM, start the action at 11:20 AM.
  1. Click Submit to update the schedule for testing, 

Confirm your work

  1. In the browser, click Unattended RPA > Robots to display the Robots landing page.
  2. Wait until a few minutes after the schedule is set and refresh the page.
  3. Verify once the schedule has started that the robot is now in the Inquiry WG.
    Verify schedule for SRQ00 has started.


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