Ein Theme und einen Stil anwenden
3 Aufgaben
5 Min.
Pega Platform 8.5
Das Marketingteam von InsCorp hat Sie gebeten, das GoGoRoad-Anwendungs-Theme so anzupassen, dass es zur Unternehmensmarke und -ausrichtung passt. Wenden Sie die Farben und das Logo des Unternehmen auf das Anwendungs-Theme an.
In der folgenden Tabelle finden Sie die Anmeldedaten, die Sie zur Durchführung der Challenge benötigen.
Rolle | Benutzername | Kennwort |
Application Developer | author@gogoroad | pega123! |
Genaue Übungsschritte
1 Modify the application logo
- In the App Studio navigation pane, click Settings > Theme.
- Click Change logo to change the logo to an existing or new logo.
- In the dialog box, select an existing logo and click Submit.
Hinweis: For the purposes of this challenge, use an out-of-the-box logo.
- Confirm that the logo to the left of the Change logo button reflects your logo selection.
2 Modify the application theme
- In the application theme, in the Theme section, click a theme.
- Confirm that the logo background color and the Colors in the section that follows reflect the selected colors of the theme.
- In the Colors section, select the Links square to open a dialog where you can modify the color of links in the application.
- In the Hex value field, enter 0000EE.
- Click Save to change the link color to blue.
- In the Text section, to the right of Heading 1, click the second drop-down list and select Bold.
- To the right of Heading 1, in the third field, enter a value of 20.
- Click Save to apply changes to the GoGoRoad application theme.
3 Verify your work
- In the App Studio header, click Preview application to view the theme and logo changes.
- Confirm that the application header uses the new logo and theme color.