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Application Development Foundation


1 Mission

7 Modules

2 Défis

20 heures 25 mins

Visible to: All users
Pega Platform 8.4
Low-Code App Development

Begin your journey to learn about Pega’s Application Development capability

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Low-Code App Builder

  • Mission

    Low-Code App Builder

    13 Modules

    12 Défis

    13 heures 25 mins

  • An introduction to using Pega Platform to develop applications that advance the digital transformation of organizations.

Application development management

  • Module

    Application development management


    10 Rubriques


  • Use Agile Workbench to create and update user stories, bugs, and feedback items, either stored locally or accessed from an external repository. Track...

Refining an Agile Workbench backlog

  • Défi

    Refining an Agile Workbench backlog


    6 Tâches

    30 mins

  • Stakeholders at GoGoRoad want to develop a new roadside assistance application to streamline operations for customer roadside assistance requests...

Roles on a Pega project

  • Module

    Roles on a Pega project


    1 Rubrique

    15 mins

  • Assemble a project team with the necessary skills to develop a successful Pega application.

Designing for Pega projects

  • Module

    Designing for Pega projects

    6 Rubriques

    1h 30 mins

  • Apply design thinking to projects to help achieve faster business results in your digital transformation journey. Facilitate discussions and drive...

Dev Studio overview

  • Module

    Dev Studio overview


    2 Rubriques

    20 mins

  • With Dev Studio, developers can extend the application behavior configured in App Studio. Learn how to use Dev Studio to extend the configuration of...

Creation and maintenance of rules

  • Module

    Creation and maintenance of rules


    12 Rubriques

    1h 25 mins

  • Pega Platform™ generates application code in the background by using the rules that you create. In Dev Studio, you can manage how a rule is created...

Viewing data in memory

  • Module

    Viewing data in memory


    4 Rubriques

    25 mins

  • Pega Platform™ provides the Clipboard tool to display data in memory and enables you to review application data and check for correctness, helping you...

Debugging application errors

  • Module

    Debugging application errors


    5 Rubriques

    50 mins

  • Test application functionality that returns an error or incorrect result to debug issues and identify an appropriate resolution path.

Debugging application errors

  • Défi

    Debugging application errors


    4 Tâches

    20 mins

  • As part of processing an assistance request case, the Roadside Assistance application copies the services performed from the child Services case to...

mission badge: Application Development Foundation

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