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Debugging and performance


11 Rubriques

3 heures

Pega Platform 8.2
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Pega Platform 8.2
Low-Code App Development
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Pega Platform™ provides tools to debug applications and evaluate application performance through performance statistics, events, and system logs. Performance statistics help you distinguish between performance issues that arise in the Pega server, the PegaRULES database, or external systems called by the workflow. Log files track application and system activity.

You learn how to use the Performance Analyzer, Performance Profiler, and Database Trace tools to evaluate performance. You also learn how to use the PegaRULES Log Analyzer (PLA) to read and interpret log files as well as the Tracer tool to capture events and identify the source of an issue.

Après avoir terminé ce module, vous pourrez :

Describe the importance of Pega log files
Identify when to review log files to aid application development
Identify when to review log files to aid application development
Identify the role of the Tracer in debugging applications
Use the Tracer to investigate application errors
Describe the importance of performance testing
Describe the purpose of the Performance Analyzer, the Database Trace, and Performance Profiler tools
Describe the purpose of Pega Predictive Diagnostic Cloud

Disponible dans la mission suivante :

Senior System Architect v1

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