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Automation package Deployment

6 Topics

34 mins

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Beginner Pega Robotic Automation 19.1 Robotic Process Automation English

Pega Robot Studio™ uses a deployment process that developers can implement regardless of the distribution strategy used by an organization. The process allows developers to adjust the solution's configuration settings based on differences across an organization's technical infrastructure. It is imperative that the developers recognize those settings and how they may impact the deployment package created in Pega Robot Studio.

After completing this module, you should be able to:

Explain the recommended deployment method
Recognize the deployment package files
Explain how the package files are used to update and deploy new packages to users
Define the use of each project properties tab
Define the configuration file project item
Explain the benefit of adding configuration files to a project
Create a configuration file for a project
Add a new value to a configuration file
Create a deployment package
Relate the location of Pega Robot Manager server connectivity in Pega Robot Studio
Describe the results of the server check box during the deployment process

Available in the following mission:

Robotics System Architect v2

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