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Basic robotic automations

10 Topics

1 hr 1 min

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Pega Robotic Automation 19.1
Robotic Process Automation
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In terms of developing a robotic solution for attended or unattended robots, developing automations is the last basic concept in Pega Robot Studio™. You develop automations to execute from a specific object event or called as a procedure to execute when needed. Like other coding languages, automations also have certain guidelines and standards to ensure maintainability and understanding.

After completing this module, you should be able to:

Describe the relationship between the Object Explorer and automations
Implement the Object Explorer in automation development
Create an automation
Implement message dialogs within an automation for debugging or user guidance
Describe the types of automation links
Describe how automations are used with other automations and the solution workflow
Create an automation as a procedure using the Label/ Jump To components

Available in the following mission:

Robotics System Architect v2

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