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Best practices for the Pega Cosmos design system

7 Topics

1 hr 45 mins

Visible to: All users
Beginner Pega Platform 8.7 Pega Platform 8.6 Pega Platform 8.5 User Experience English

In this module, learn the best practices for designing in the Pega Cosmos design system, including how to work with general design standards, theming, layouts and templates, forms, address common problems, and more, to build your prototype in the Cosmos design system. 

After completing this module, you should be able to:

Review general Cosmos design system guidelines
Use Cosmos page templates
Design a Cosmos case page
Create effective forms
Display information effectively
Prototype and troubleshoot an application designed with Cosmos

Available in the following mission:

Pega Theme Cosmos Section-Based UI for Designers v3

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