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Data management using Data Sets

1 Topic

15 mins

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Pega Platform

Data Sets help you to manage and define collections of records. They enable data abstraction, representing data stored in different sources and formats. Depending on the Data Set type, they can represent various types of data, such as data in database tables or Decision data stores. You can read, insert, and remove records through data management operations for each Data Set type. Use Data Sets independently through data management operations and as part of combined data streams in Decision Data Flows.

After completing this module, you should be able to:

List the types of Data Sets that are available in Pega Platform.
Describe what Data Sets are and their purpose.

Practice what you learned in the following Challenges:

Creating and operating Database Table Data Sets v3 Creating File Data Sets v3 Creating and importing into Decision Data Store Data Sets v3

Available in the following mission:

Decision Management Essentials v3

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