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Permitting access to Pega Robot Manager

7 Topics

45 mins

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Pega Robot Manager '24.1
Robotic Process Automation

Use Access groups, user authentication, and dynamic system settings in Pega Platform™ to grant administrators, developers, and users access to Pega Robot Manager. Learn the roles of users with access to Robot Manager, how to create users and departments, and how to maintain users and departments for attended RPA solutions and implementations.

After completing this module, you should be able to:

Describe the benefits of creating and maintaining organization structure in Pega Robot Manager.
Relate the necessary requirements to configure user and robot authentication for Pega Robot Runtime access to Pega Robot Manager.
Recognize the robotic Access roles needed at a minimum for the Access groups for different accesses to a Pega Robot Manager application.
Recognize the various actions you can take to model your department and users in Pega Robot Manager.

Available in the following mission:

Pega Robot Manager v5

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