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Associating data instances with rulesets

Associating data instances to a ruleset simplifies application migration and maintenance. When you package an application for migration, you include an application's rulesets. However, a ruleset corresponds to a collection of rules and does not include data instances such as operator IDs, access groups, database tables, and databases.

To help make packaging and migration of data instances easier, you associate data instances with rulesets. By doing this, you do not need to specify each data instance in the product rule. When you create the product rule, the system automatically adds the data instances to the archive file automatically.

As a best practice, associate data instances with rulesets. As you create data instances of certain classes, either manually or with a wizard, the system automatically associates the instance with one of the application's rulesets.

The associated ruleset appears in the rule header. The following example provides an access group that is associated with the Purchasing ruleset. You can change the associated ruleset by clicking Edit. Update the ruleset in the Associated RuleSet pop-up dialog.

associated ruleset 0

You can remove the ruleset so that the data instance is not associated with any ruleset. For example, you may have created operators for development or testing only. You can remove the ruleset association from these operator IDs so that they are not automatically exported. Removing the associated ruleset results in a guardrail warning.

associated ruleset warning 1394462938057 0

Associating a data instance with a ruleset does not affect or restrict any run-time behavior. The data instance remains available to all applications regardless of the associated ruleset.

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