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Automation shapes

Certain Steps, such as collecting identifying information from a customer, require user action, while other Steps can be performed automatically by the system, such as sending a confirmation email to a customer.

Pega Platform™ provides Automations to perform specific actions automatically. For example, you can use Automations to send an email to a job candidate to extend them a job offer. Leveraging Automations saves development time and enables you to design business processes more efficiently. Automations provide flexibility because each Automation has unique parameters that you can configure based on your business requirements. Additionally, utilizing Automations reduces possible human error by reducing the amount of human interaction.

Consider a scenario of an online bookseller. Once a customer places an order, the company needs to send an email with an invoice summary.

In the following image, click the + icons to understand how to configure a process with Automations to achieve the desired behavior in the online bookseller example:

Note: In the Case Life Cycle, click Step > More > Automations to add an Automation. In the Process modeler, click Add > Automations to add an Automation.

Automation shapes

Pega Platform provides a wide variety of Automations that a developer can use to achieve business requirements. Automation shapes in a flow represent a Task that a user or application completes as part of a business process. 

The following table describes all Automation shapes available in App Studio:

Shape name Image Description
Attach content
Attach content
Attaches a file, URL, or note to a Case.
Change to a Stage
Change to a specific stage
Change to a specific Stage of a Case.
Change to next Stage
Change to next stage
Change to the next Stage of a Case automatically.
Change to the previous Stage
Change to previous Stage automation
Change to the previously visited Stage of a Case automatically.
Connect Generative AI
Connect Generative AI automation

Use customized Pega GenAI rules. Use this automation to define the prompt the system sends to Pega GenAI and define the structure of the response received from Pega GenAI.

Note: Enable and configure generative AI in your application settings to use AI features. For more information, see Connecting to the generative AI provider in Pega Cloud.
Create Case
Create case
Creates one or more Cases from the current Case.
Create PDF
Create PDF automation
Creates a PDF file from a specified View and attaches it to the Case.
Note: Applications that you build on Constellation do not support PDF generation out-of-the-box and require a workaround. For more information, see Generating PDF in Constellation.
Generate document
Generate document automation
Generates Case documents as part of the Case Life Cycle.
Persist Case
Persist case
Converts a temporary Case to a permanent object in the database.
Post to pulse
Post to pulse
Creates a message and sends it to the Pulse social stream.
Push notification
Push notification to mobile device
Sends a notification to an iOS or Android mobile device to indicate that a Case requires user action.
Run Data Transform
Run data transform
Runs a Data Transform.
Send email
Send email
Send formatted emails to custom recipients.
Send notification
Send notification
Sends a notification to recipients over multiple Channels.
Update a Case
Update a case
Updates the current Case or all child Cases and descendants.
Search duplicate Cases
Search duplicate case
Automatically searches for duplicate Cases using set conditions. 
Pauses a Case until a specified condition is fulfilled, such as timer or Case status.
Create questionnaire
Asks the user to complete a questionnaire.
Note: To learn more about automated steps, see Adding an automated Step to a Process.

Send email Automation use case

The Send email Automation helps to send automated email correspondence to all relevant parties.

For example, consider an online shopping website. You can use the Send email Automation to send an email to the customer informing them about new offers without any user interaction. You can configure how your application determines the recipient and compose the email content.

Run Data Transform Automation use case

The Run Data Transform Automation helps to run the selected Data Transform rule at runtime.

For example, consider a checkout Process of a purchasing application. The customer provides a shipping address and is prompted for the billing address. If the shipping address is the same as the billing address, it is efficient to use a Data Transform to copy the shipping address to the billing address rather than have the customer reenter the same address. 

Note: To learn more about Data Transforms, see Data Transforms.

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