How to configure web chatbot
U+ Bank wants to enable customers to open an account by using a web chatbot.
This demo shows how to configure a flow and add a set of questions that walk the customer through the process of opening a new account
Concept video
U+ Bank wants to enable customers to open an account by using a web chatbot.
This demo shows how to configure a flow and add a set of questions that walk the customer through the process of opening a new account.
Create a flow in the existing case type
First, you edit the OpenAccount case type to add a parallel flow for the web chatbot.
- In Developer Studio, select the case type named OpenAccount.
- In the case workflow, select the Get Account Details stage.
- In the Stage configuration panel, select Web Chatbot.
Configure the chatbot conversation.
Next, you configure the chatbot conversation by adding Question shapes to the flow. Each Question shape prompts the customer for information needed to open an account.
- In the case life cycle, select the WebChatbot-Open Account step.
- In the configuration panel, click Open process.
- To edit the process, click Check out.
- To add a question shape to the canvas, right-click and select Add > Automations > Question.
- Double-click the new shape to open the configuration panel. In the Subprocess field, add a name for the question, in this case: Account Type
- Add a name for your Question Rule.
- Click the Gear icon and configure the question.
- Configure the Context section page which determines where the flow can be used.
- Click Create and open.
- Configure the Question section. In this case, the question directs the customer to select an account type.
- Configure the Answers section. For Account Type, you provide two choices that the customer can select from a drop-down menu. The customer’s answer must be mapped to a property. In this case: .TypeofAccount (dot TypeofAccount)
- Submit the Account Type to save the changes.
- Connect the configured question to the flow. The connectors set the processing sequence for the flow.
Build the conversation
For each question in the conversation, you repeat this same process – add a Question shape, configure its content, then position the shape as the next step in the flow.
You configure questions to get the customer’s full name, gender, date of birth, mobile number, and email id.
All answers must be mapped to a property. For example, when the customer responds with their name, it is mapped to the property: .Name (dot Name). The properties were created in the existing case type, so you do not need to add properties.
To wrap-up the conversation, you configure a confirmation that lets the customer know you have all the required data.
Finally, save the updated workflow and check it in to create a new version.
Configure a web chatbot channel
To make the web chatbot available to customers, you configure the web chatbot channel.
- First, you need to access the CS Self Service application.
- In Channels and Interfaces, click to open the CS Web Chatbot.
- Add the new case type to the channel and enter open a new account as the command.
- Click the Text Analysis tab and add keywords. In this case, when Pega Customer Service detects the words open or create as an approximate match, it triggers the web chatbot conversation.
- Save the configuration.
Test the web chatbot
In the Preview console, you can test your web chatbot.
Enter a request, such as, I would like to open an account. Make sure the request uses one of the keywords you entered in the Text Analysis section for the channel: open or create.
The chatbot walks through the questions to gather the required information. The chatbot confirms when it has received the information required to open an account.