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Management of Runtime configuration files

As an administrator, you can adjust the file assignments in the RuntimeConfig.xml file of Pega Robot Runtime. Pega Robot Manager administrators create file assignments when associating different configurations with each department, Work Group, user, or robot.

As various parts of your organization use robots differently, you can assign a specific Runtime configuration file to a department, a Work Group, a user, or a robot. For example, unattended robots in a specific Work Group might require a different configuration file instead of the primary configuration file of the organization.

After an administrator creates new Runtime configuration files for enterprise or Robot Manager applications, the administrator manages the files to ensure proper assignments and an uncluttered portal for ease of use. Managing the various configuration files may require the following actions:

  • Assigning Runtime configuration file assignments to departments, users, Work Groups, and robots.
  • View the change history of the file and restore previous versions.
  • Change the default file.

Assignment and modification of Runtime configuration file assignments

Administrators can assign Runtime configuration files to different departments, users, work groups, or robots, depending on the configuration variations that are necessary across your organization. For example, your organization might use a logging level that differs across robotic Work Groups. You can create or add file assignments only for the entities that belong to the same application but not the same application stack.

Adding a Runtime configuration file assignment at a specific department level also creates an inherited assignment for any sub-departments and users that are in that department.

The following figure shows how you can click the Assign New button in the Assigned to section to update the configuration file's assignments.

Assign a new configuration file in Pega Robot Manager.

For more information about assigning Runtime configuration file assignments, see Assigning configuration files.

When you adjust a direct or inherited association, you update the Runtime configuration file assignment. You can perform this adjustment by replacing direct assignments that might override inherited ones, as shown in the following figure:

Updating the configuration file with the override option in Pega Robot Manager

For more information about how to modify and update Runtime configuration file assignments, see Updating configuration file assignments.

File change history and restoration of previous versions

Robot Manager retains the history of Runtime configuration file changes. An administrator can access the history to revert to a previous version. When you restore to a previous version of the Runtime configuration file, Robot Manager creates a new version based on the restored settings and designates it as the active configuration file version to use. 

The following figure shows an example of a restore action on the History tab:

Restore the previous version of the configuration file in Pega Robot Manager

For more information about how to view Runtime configuration file history, see Restoring previous configuration file versions.

Default Runtime configuration file assignments

As shown in the following figure, Robot Manager uses the configuration file that has a Default status if a department, user, Work Group, or robot does not have a direct or inherited Runtime configuration file association: 

Change the default configuration file in Pega Robot Manager

For more information about setting the default Runtime configuration file, see Creating configuration files in Pega Robot Manager.

Note: You cannot edit the master configuration file. To make enterprise-specific modifications to this file, you must save the master configuration file as a new file.

Robot settings and updates

Use the XML-aware editor in Robot Manager to modify Runtime configuration files quickly and conveniently according to your business needs. With the XML editor, you can search for settings, change their values, and then validate the syntax in a user-friendly and transparent environment.

The system locks the file is locked when you begin editing and prevents other users from making changes. No other users can change a file that has a lock on it until the lock expires.

You can modify the Runtime configuration file in the Runtime config section of the Configuration settings page.

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