Other interrogation techniques
Other interrogation techniques
In Pega Robot Studio™, the interrogation process cannot always recognize automation controls. Inconsistent application development can make objects hard to find. When the standard method to interrogate objects fails, you can use the following methods:
Create Control – In some applications, many layers of the application encase the target object and prevent the interrogation process from accessing the object. The Create Control functionality allows the interrogation process to reach the target object and add it to the solution.
Add Menu Items – Standard interrogation requires you to click and drag the target icon to inspect the properties. Because the mouse click for interrogation is active, you cannot access menu items or an object's context menu to interrogate. The Add Menu Items and Add Context Menu Items options allow the interrogation process to add the menu item to the solution. When a user identifies an object located within a menu at the top of an application, the Add Menu Items option is selected. You use the Add Context Menu Item option when you right-click an application control and identify a menu item necessary to the automation.
Use Web Controls – If a target object is in a hidden control, standard interrogation cannot find it. Use the Web Controls tab to locate the target objects within an application. The Web Controls tab provides a convenient way to list all web targets from a currently opened page and add an object to the solution.
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