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Pega Process Fabric Hub for the enterprise

In large enterprises, developers often use a mix of new and old technologies to build separate applications for automating business processes. Throughout the workday, users frequently log in or switch contexts multiple times between applications to complete their tasks. Unfortunately, most of these applications exist in silos, which makes it difficult to share information between them. This lack of integration increases the effort required to complete tasks. 

Pega Process Fabric Hub™ helps you to unify, manage, prioritize, and automate tasks related to employees or users by using data from multiple independent applications running on different technologies.  

This tool gives managers and employees a single touchpoint for worklists, Assignments, and Insights.  

It facilitates the connection and federation of work directly from one application to another, enabling the display, creation, and updating of Cases between Pega applications. For non-Pega applications, Process Fabric Hub can create, update, and retrieve data through APIs.  

For example, a major bank has two applications:  

  • Pega Platform™ for credit card and loan applications.
  • ServiceNow for complaint management and account opening applications.  

Tasks go to a worklist or Work Queue in each application, and analysts can perform those tasks by switching to or logging in to the independent applications that different URLs host. 

Alternatively, the bank can use Process Fabric Hub to enable analysts to access Tasks from disparate applications. By logging into the Process Fabric Hub, analysts can complete tasks from all applications without switching contexts multiple times during the workday, which saves time and increases efficiency. 
Process Fabric Hub uses open (REST) API architecture, which allows other open (REST) API-based applications to connect with the centralized Process Fabric Hub application. Beginning with Pega Platform version 8.1, the Process Fabric Hub supports applications hosted on on-premises, Pega Cloud® services, and client-managed clouds. 
Process Fabric Hub relies on Case Types and Assignments and fetches data about Assignments that users complete as part of Case processing. However, it cannot support the Tasks that users create in Pulse or Spaces. 
The central storage of Process Fabric Hub contains the following data: application registry, tasks of all registered applications, association of operator Work Queues, and NextBestWork/GetNextWork configuration. 
The following diagram shows how Process Fabric Hub uses REST APIs to register and synchronize assignment data from remote applications and persist the data in central storage. The system uses the Process Fabric component to register or synchronize Pega Platform remote applications, while the external connector component is for use with non-Pega remote applications. The Configurator Persona is responsible for remote application registration. The User (Employee) Persona has access to a unified worklist, or Next Best Work and the Manager Persona has access to insights. 

Process fabric hub


To help users work effectively with Process Fabric Hub, different Personas are available that cater to the specific needs of users. The following table describes the different Personas and their roles in Process Fabric Hub:





Can access a unified worklist on the home landing page in Process Fabric Hub. Users can obtain their prioritized work and use the Next Best Work algorithm to receive an assignment that Process Fabric Hub estimates as the most important.


Can access analytical data from registered applications available in Process Fabric Hub Insights. The Manager Persona can also strive to increase throughput by properly planning and reassigning work in the remote application. Users who have this Persona can access a unified worklist on the home landing page and a list of registered applications.


Responsible for connections between remote applications and Process Fabric Hub. A user with the configurator Persona can register a remote application with Process Fabric Hub and then manage the application by performing actions that pertain to different business scenarios, such as updating Work Queue mappings or deactivating an application. The Configurator Persona can access a unified worklist and logs and access and edit settings that affect the Next Best Work algorithm.


Have the roles of all other Personas that are available in Process Fabric Hub.


Responsible for data synchronization between Process Fabric Hub and remote applications.   

Process Fabric Hub includes the following features: 

  • Unified Worklist 
  • Application Registry 
  • Insights 
  • Next Best Work 
  • Creating Remote Cases 

Process Fabric Hub version 2.1 includes the following additional features: 

  • Pega-Salesforce connector 
  • Open APIs and documentation 
  • Partner-driven connectors 
  • Mashup into existing apps 
  • Extensible data model 
  • Followed Cases 
  • Cosmos React Remote Case types with DX API interactions 
  • Archiving assignments and Cases 

You can expose the Interwoven Worklist, which consolidates the assignments from your Worklist and Work Queues, or the My cases landing page, which displays all the Cases that you follow, in other applications as a mashup gadget or by using Pega Digital Experience (DX) API. As a result, users of other applications can view and manage Tasks in a consolidated list that gathers Assignments from a Worklist and Work Queues that a specific user can access without logging in to Process Fabric Hub. 

For more information, see Pega Process Fabric Hub. 

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