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A Pega Platform™ provides four role-based authoring spaces, referred to as studios. Each studio provides specific tools and features for application development. When using the appropriate studio, team members are enabled to complete tasks by using tools that align with their expertise.

Pega Platform studios:

  • App Studio: A low-code authoring space designed for business architects, citizen developers and system architects. To learn more about App Studio, see App Studio overview.
  • Dev Studio: A low-code authoring space with advanced configuration options for technical team members as well as system architects. To learn more about Dev Studio, see Dev Studio overview.
  • Prediction Studio: An analytics space used by data scientists and business decision-makers. To learn more about Prediction Studio, see Prediction Studio overview.
  • Admin Studio: A software administration space managed by IT staff for system administration. To learn more about Admin Studio, see Admin Studio overview.

Each studio speeds application development and enhances productivity by providing users role-based functionality.  

Note: As a best practice, system architects and other technical team members work from App Studio unless the features they need are not available in App Studio. App Studio manages behind-the-scenes configuration, reducing the likelihood of programming errors.

In the following image, click the + icons to view a screenshot and learn more about each studio:

Depending on your screen size, icons replace text-based menu options. In the following image, move the slider to see how Dev Studio displays menu names or icons depending on the screen size:

Tip: Hover over the icon to view the menu name.

In Pega Platform, you can improve productivity by using studios. For example, front-end developers can design a web portal solely in App Studio, while system administrators switch between App Studio and Admin Studio as they configure advanced deployment functionality and monitor run-time results.

Users can have access to one or more studios. When users log in, the system opens the user's default studio. They can then switch to any other studio they have security access to use.

Note:  For more information on configuring user access to a studio, see Granting Portal access to an Access Group

Studio navigation

Each studio consists of three areas:

  • A header
  • A navigation pane
  • An authoring space

In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about each area:

In the navigation pane, you can find multiple tools for developing and navigating through your application:

  • Overview provides basic information about your application, such as Case Types and Channels.

  • Case Types are visual representations of reusable business processes or work accomplished by your application. For example, employee onboarding or flight booking.

  • Data is the information required to process and resolve business cases. For example, employee details needed in a hiring process. 

  • Channels provide ways for users to interact with your application. For example, the interactions can be via a Web Portal or a Mobile Portal.

  • Library provides a visual representation of reusable assets (Case Types, data, and logic) in the Reuse Library. For example, you can use the Reuse Library to filter data objects by the MyTown application.
    Note: For more information about the Reuse Library, see Managing reusable assets in the Reuse Library.
  • Users are participants interacting with your application to perform various tasks. For example, a Manager or a Customer service representative. 

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