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Time Management Case Life Cycle

Time Management comes with the Time Entry Case Type, in which you enter, manage, and track time. Users can log their time spent for the current day.

Time Entry Case Type

You can use the Time Entry Case Type to capture information, submit time entries for approval, and resubmit rejected time entries on a daily basis. Caseworkers have multiple opportunities to record their time throughout the workday, or they can enter their time for the entire day and submit it for approval as part of their end-of-day activities.

The following figure shows the Time entry Case Type:

Time management case type stages and steps

When a user enters their time, Time Management moves the Case to the Approval Stage and goes through multiple approvals based on approval levels selected in Project data object. The Time entry Case goes for the work group manager's approval first, followed by Timecode approval and Project owner approval. The respective approver reviews the time entered and has the option to approve or reject the time entries. 

The following figure shows the Time entry Case creation form:

New Time entry screen

If any of the approvers rejects the time entry, users have the option to revisit the Case. They can adjust the time entered and then resubmit the Case for approval.

Touchpoint report

The Touchpoint report feature provides users with the details of their work done on a specific day by displaying a history of the Cases that the user has worked on.

The report is available at the Case level and is accessible in the New Time entry creation window. After a user clicks Touchpoint report, the system displays a new window that contains the user's Case history for the specified day.

The following figure shows the Touchpoint report for the user:

Touchpoint report for user

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