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Tracer settings management

The Tracer logs and displays events that occur as you use Pega Platform™. Using the Tracer is resource-intensive and dramatically slows application performance. To reduce the impact of running the Tracer, open and configure the Tracer settings to capture only the required information. Pause logging until you are ready to run the application section that you want to troubleshoot.

Tracer toolbar

The Tracer toolbar is located above the log display, in the upper-right corner. The toolbar consists of buttons that enable you to manage the events that it captures. 

Tip: You can only have one Tracer per operator, per node.

In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about the Pause, Clear, and Save buttons on the Tracer toolbar:

Refine event logging

Before you begin capturing events, refine what you need to capture by indicating the types of events and break Conditions to log by using the SettingsBreakpointsWatch, and Remote Tracer buttons on the Tracer toolbar.

In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about the SettingsBreakpointsWatch, and Remote Tracer buttons on the Tracer toolbar:

Settings configuration

Use Settings to display the configuration options for your trace, to include event types and Rules, and to enter the number of lines of data to display. The Settings button is shown in the following figure:

settings button

You can use the settings options to reduce the amount of information captured. You can filter tracer display results by event, event type, Ruleset, and break Conditions. For example, when you want to exclude local variables from your trace or you want to view which activities run but not their Steps. Selecting break Conditions stops the tracer when the system generates an error.

The following images provide a comparison of the number of events traced before and after View rules are removed from the list of event types to trace. The top part of the image shows the trace results for the same flow when View rules are removed. The bottom part of the image displays the trace, including View rules:

Trace with and without the View rules

Selection options

In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about the  Events to Trace, Break Conditions, General Options, Event Types to Trace, and Rulesets to Trace:

Note:  Any increases to the number of events to display also increases your memory footprint and can impact system performance.

Breakpoints and Watch Functions

You can configure a Breakpoint or a series of breakpoints to focus on an activity or series of activities that you want to trace. When the activity starts, the Tracer window highlights the event and tracing is paused. Tracing resumes when you click Play or when an hour elapses, whichever occurs first, providing you the ability to monitor the progress of the configured activity. The following figure shows how to access Breakpoints from the Tracer tool bar:

breakpoints button
Note: When a breakpoint stops the Tracer, the processing on your thread also stops. Use Play to continue processing.

In the following example, a breakpoint is configured for the SendSimpleEmail activity in the Work class. The beginning of the Step event is highlighted in the following figure:


The Watch Function is similar to breakpoints, but the watch monitors a specific property value or values to determine if and when the property value changes. This option is useful to check for property values, calculation consistency, and patterns in the trace. The following figure shows how to access Watch from the Tracer tool bar:

watch button
Caution: Breakpoints and Watch are not supported for tracing Service Rules and applications that use the Constellation design system.
Note: The Tracer highlights the property change in yellow and shows a Property Inspector tool that indicates how the values changed.

In the following image, a watch is configured for the property .BiweeklySalary on the pyWorkPage. You can add other variables to watch or remove selected variables. Close saves the configured variables:

tracer watch ready to add another property

The following image shows the Property Inspector. It indicates that the property value changed from zero to 2083.33:

tracer property inspector

The OldValue and CurrentValue fields in the Property Inspector update whenever the property changes value.

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