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Web Messaging bot

The Web Messaging bot (chatbot) acts as the primary point of contact for all text-based interactions.

The chatbot allows your customers to enter questions or requests in a chat window (accessible from a customer-facing web page) and then receive answers and guidance.

In a live chat session, the customer interacts with a customer service agent. In a chatbot session, the chatbot responds to a customer request by walking the customer through a set of predefined questions. The chatbot gathers the required information and completes the service request. This way, the chatbot offloads work from customer service agents to spend time on more complex tasks.

Chatbots analyzes natural language with text analytics. They learn how words are used in the context of your business and the specific intent for each customer in the context of their interaction. Context allows the chatbot to hand off the customer to the most appropriate agent to manage a request.

If a customer says, "I want to close my account," then the action the chatbot takes depends on whether the customer has recently made a complaint and has a high churn risk or is merely closing an old account. In case a customer has recently filed a complaint, the conversation might escalate to a retention specialist. If the account is old, then the chatbot can help the customer close that account.

Web Messaging bot options

U+ Bank, a retail bank, deployed the Web Messaging bot on its website to address customer issues and requests received through chat. In the following image, click the + icons to identify the options available for the Web Messaging bot:

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