Assigning Primary Fields, Case tabs, and more in Constellation
6 Tasks
45 mins
Pega Platform '23
User Experience
Stakeholders at Sweet Life are extremely interested in how a Pega application built on the Constellation UI can make Case processing easier for Case workers and Dispatchers. As a result, you have been tasked with incorporating Constellation functionality, including Primary Fields, Case tabs, the Details View, and promoted Actions into the Tell Us More application.
The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the challenge:
Role | User name | Password |
System Architect | Author@SL | pega123! |
Note: Your practice environment may support the completion of multiple challenges. As a result, the configuration shown in the challenge walkthrough may not match your environment exactly.
Note: The challenge walkthrough video is coming soon.
Detailed Tasks
1 Configure Primary Fields in the Case Type Data Model
- In the Pega instance for the challenge, enter the following credentials:
- In the User name field, enter Author@SL.
- In the Password field, enter pega123!
- In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Case Types > Incident, and then click the Data Model tab to access the Data Model of the Incident Case Type.
- Click Primary Fields, and then in the Primary field configuration window, delete the following fields:
- Label
- Description
- Add the following Primary fields:
- Eligibility Type
- Fraud Indicator
- ID
- Incident SubType
- Incident Type
- Preferred Resolution Method
- Resolution Method
- Work Status
- Click Submit, and then click Save.
2 Modify the Details View
- In the Incident Case Type, click the UX tab, and then click the Other Views tab.
- In the Partial section, click Details to open the Details View.
- Note that the list of Primary Fields is already displayed in the Details View.
- In the Primary Fields row, click the Gear icon, and then confirm that the Show heading option is inactive.
- In the Details View, click Add > Fields > Customer > Views > Primary Fields > Add to add the Primary Fields View that is defined on the Customer data object.
- Click the Gear icon, and then in the Field label field, enter Customer.
- In the Details View, add the Primary Fields View that is defined on the Product data object.
- Click the Gear icon, and then in the Heading field, enter Product.
Note: The Preview screen might reflect the same Primary Fields in the Details, Customer, and Product sections as a result of a current limitation of the Constellation UI. The correct Primary Fields for each section are displayed when you run the Case.
3 Configure Case tabs
- Click the UX tab, and then click the Full Page View tab.
- In the Tabs section, add the following new tabs:
- Customer
- Product
- Configure the Customer and Product tabs to show their respective Primary Fields Views.
4 Configure the Case Summary View
- Still on the Full Page View tab, in Summary section, add the following fields:
- Eligibility Type
- Incident SubType
- Incident Type
5 Configure a Promoted Action
- In the Incident Case Type, click the Workflow tab.
- Click the Optional Actions tab.
- In the Process Stage, click Action > Collect information to add a new Stage-wide user Action called Contact customer.
- Configure the Contact customer Action View with the previously configured View called Contact customer.
- Click .
- Click Save.
- In the Incident Case Type, click the UX tab, and then click the Full Page View tab.
- In the Options section, select the Show promoted Action checkbox.
6 Configure What is Next information on the Confirmation View
- In the Incident Case Type, click UX tab, and then click the Other Views tab.
- In the Partial section, click Confirmation to configure the Confirmation View.
- Configure the Confirmation View:
- Add a Primary Fields (Customer) View, and then in the Field Label field, enter Customer.
- Add a Primary Fields (Product) View, and then in the Heading field enter Product, and select Show heading.
- Note the What's next section of the Confirmation View.
- Switch to Dev Studio.
- In the App Explorer, in the SL-TellUSMore-Work-Incident class, expand Data Model, and then click the PostReview Data Transform.
- Note the following information in the WhatsNext Page list:
- Your incident report will be analyzed
- You might be contacted for more information
- We will let you know about resolution in an email notification
- Add the following additional entry to the PostReview Data Transform: You will receive a survey for your opinion on the incident resolution process.
- Click Save as > Create and Open > Save to save the updated version of the PostReview Data Transform.
Confirm your work
- Switch to App Studio, and then click .
- Create a new Incident Case, and then complete all the necessary fields until you click .
- Review the full Incident Case to confirm the following details:
- The Summary panel includes the Incident Type, Incident SubType, and Eligibility Type fields.
- The Tabs section includes the Customer and Product tabs.
- The Confirmation View includes the Case Type Data Model, and Customer and Product Primary Fields, which includes Case-related information.
- Click the the Details tab, and confirm that it includes the Case Type, and Customer and Product Primary Fields, which includes Case-related information.
- Continue through the Case, and select Eligible as the resolution method.
- Progress to the Handle Ticket Assignment of the Process Stage.
- In the Summary panel, confirm that the Contact customer Promoted Action is available as a button as well as from the menu.
This Challenge is to practice what you learned in the following Module:
Available in the following mission:
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