Configuring Flow Action post-processing
2 Tasks
20 mins
Pega Platform 8.6
Case Management
Currently, the Candidate case type creates a candidate stakeholder to represent a job applicant and adds the candidate stakeholder to the case at the beginning of the Screening stage. Candidates are not stakeholders in the case throughout the Submission stage. As a result, users cannot contact candidates by email while the case is in the Submission stage.
In a future release of the HRApps application, users can save cases after a candidate provides personal information at the start of the Submission stage. This feature allows users to contact by email candidates who have not completed the Submission stage. To support this change, the vice president of Human Resources has asked you to configure the application to support emailing candidates whose cases have not completed the Submission stage.
Reconfigure the Collect Candidate Details process so that a candidate is added as a stakeholder to the case when the user submits the Collect Personal Details form. After you complete this change, the Create Candidate Party process in the Screening stage is no longer needed.
Update the Collect Personal Details flow action so that it runs the addWorkObjectParty activity as a post-processing action. Use the following activity parameter values.
Parameter Value PartyRole Candidate PartyClass TGB-HRApps-Data-Candidate PartyModel NewParty - Remove the Create Candidate Party process from the Screening stage.
The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the challenge.
Role | User name | Password |
Senior System Architect | SSA@TGB | rules |
Note: Your practice environment may support the completion of multiple challenges. As a result, the configuration shown in the challenge walkthrough may not match your environment exactly.
Challenge Walkthrough
Detailed Tasks
1 Update the Collect Personal Details flow action
- In Dev Studio, from the Candidate case, click the Collect Candidate Details process.
- Right-click the Collect Personal Details connector, and then select Open Flow Action to open the CollectPersonalDetails_0 flow action.
- On the rule form, click the Action tab.
- In the Post-Processing section, in the Run activity field, select addWorkObjectParty.
- Update the parameter values with the following values from the following table.
Parameter Value PartyRole Candidate PartyClass TGB-HRApps-Data-Candidate PartyModel NewParty When you are done, the section looks like the following image.
Save the changes. When a user submits the Collect Personal Details form, the system adds the candidate to the case.
2 Remove the Create candidate process from the Screening stage of the Candidate case life cycle
- On the case life cycle, in the Screening stage, click the Create Candidate Party process.
- Click the Delete icon to delete the process.
- In the header of the case life cycle, click Save. The Create Candidate Party process is removed from the life cycle of the Candidate case type.
Note: When you remove a rule from use in a case type, remember to determine whether the rule is used elsewhere in your application. If the rule is unused, consider removing it from the application. If the rule exists in a previous ruleset version, you must withdraw the rule to remove it from your application.
Confirm your work
Create a Candidate case and advance it to the Collect Professional Details form. The form displays the candidate in the Stakeholders area.