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Configuring Pega Robot Manager

5 Tasks

30 mins

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Pega Robot Manager 8.6.4
Robotic Process Automation
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MyTown wants to assign and manage automation execution for Inquiries and Service Requests case types by using a Pega Robot Manager™ application. As an administrator, enable the RMSysAdmin operator id and create a new Pega Robot Manager application. The new application has an Inquiry work group with the Inquiries assignment type and a Service Request work group with a Service Request assignment type. The application requires the creation of two new operator ids for a developer and a user administrator.



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Detailed Tasks

1 Enable the RMSysAdmin operator id

Note: You must successfully complete the preceding challenges, in order, before attempting to complete this task.
  1. Access the Pega Platform instance.
  2. In the User name field on the Login page, enter Admin@mytown.
  3. In the Password field, enter rules, and then press Enter.
  4. From the left Navigation panel, click Records > Organization > Operator ID to display the list of operator ids.
    robot manager operator link
  5. On the Operator ID tab, locate and click RMSysAdmin to open the operator ID.
    rm admin operator id
  6. On the RMSysAdmin tab, click Security.
  7. In the Access Settings panel, deselect Force password change on next login and Disable operator.
    enable operator id screen
  8. In the Access Settings panel, click Update Password.
  9. On the Change Operator ID Password window, enter myt0wn@pp1 in both fields, and then click Submit.
  10. On the RMSysAdmin tab, click Save
  11. On the Navigation panel, click the operator ID icon and then click Log off.

2 Create a new application built on Pega Robot Manager

  1. Log in to Pega Platform by using Operator ID RMSysAdmin operator and Password myt0wn@pp1.
  2. From the Dev Studio header, click the Pega Robot Manager 8.6.4 application to access the Application menu.
  3. Click New Application to open the New Application wizard.  
    The Application menu of Pega Robot Studio showing the New Application option.
  4. In the New Application wizard, click Pega Robot Manager 8.6.4 to begin building a new Robot Manager application.
    The Build new application menu of the Pega Platform with the option to build new application based on the 8.6.4 version of Pega Robot Manager.
  5. Click Build with Pega Robot Manager 8.6.4 to continue the new application build.
    Confirm to build a new application using the 8.6.4 version of Pega Robot Manager.
  6. On the Robot Manager Settings frame, deselect Enable Auto-balancing and then click Continue.
    The Robot Manager Settings menu with Auto Balancing feature disabled.

3 Configure the work groups and assignment types

  1. Click Add work group to open the New work group window.
    add work group screen rm
  2. In the Give your work group a name field, enter Inquiry WG.
  3. In the What kind of assignment types do you want to process from this group? field, enter Inquiries AT.  
    The New work group dialog box that allows adding new work groups and assignment types.
  4. Click Submit to confirm the build process. 
  5. Click Add work group to open the New work group window.
  6. In the Give your work group a name field, enter Service Request WG.
  7. In the What kind of assignment types do you want to process from this group? field, enter Service Requests AT.
  8. Click Submit to confirm the build process.  
    The New work group dialog box that allows adding new work groups and assignment types.
  9. Click Continue to move on to the next step in the process
    The work groups added in the process of setting up new application on Pega Robot Manager.


4 Complete the application setup

  1. In the Name your application field, enter MyTown RM. 
  2. Click Create application to continue the setup process.
    create application rm screen
  3. In the Select a User or add user by email address field, enter the developer@mytownrm email address.
  4. Select Robot manager developer from the role drop-down list.  
  5. Click Add to create the developer@mytownrm user.
  6. In the Select a User or add user by email address field, enter the useradmin@mytownrm email address. 
  7. Select Robot manager user admin from the role drop-down list. 
  8. Click Add to create the useradmin@mytownrm user.
  9. Click Done to complete the application setup.
    The complete configuration screen with the newly created users.
  10.  Repeat steps 7-10 from task 1 to update passwords for users: useradmin@mytownrm, and developer@mytownrm.

5 Confirm your Work

  1. In the lower-left corner of Dev Studio, click Operator icon > Log off.
  2. Log in to Pega Platform by using Operator ID RMSysAdmin operator and Password myt0wn@pp1.
  3. From the Dev Studio header, click Launch portal > Robot Manager to open the Robot Manager portal.
  4. On the left navigation panel, select Unattended RPA > Work groups, and then  click Inquiry WG to open the work group details.
    The view of work groups from Pega Robot Manager dashboard.
  5. Verify the assignment type, Inquiries AT. 
    The view of assignment types from Pega Robot Manager dashboard.
  1. In the top right-corner of the Pega Robot Manager portal, click the operator ID and select Log off to return to Dev Studio.
  2. On the Navigation panel, click the operator ID icon and then click Log off.
  3. Log in to App Studio by using the developer@mytownrm credentials created in step 4.
  4. Change the operator password to myt0wn@pp2.
  5. Click App Studio in the left corner and select Dev Studio.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 to verify work groups.
  7. Repeat steps 7-10 to verify useradmin@mytownrm credentials are created correctly and update the password.

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