Routing weather cases to facility coordinators
9 Tasks
20 mins
If the probability of precipitation is greater than 40 percent for any of the event days a process to make arrangements is started. A facility coordinator with the least amount of urgent work that is specialized in weather preparation is assigned the following tasks.
- Set up tents
- Provide disposable raincoats
- Cover seating area
The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the exercise.
Role | Operator ID | Password |
Administrator | Admin@Booking | rules |
Design and implement the routing for the weather preparation to satisfy the requirements. Consider viable alternatives comparing the pros and cons to produce the best solution.
The sample facility coordinator users are specialized as shown in the following table.
Operator | Specialization |
FacilityCoordinator1@Booking | Parking |
FacilityCoordinator2@Booking | Weather |
FacilityCoordinator3@Booking | Weather and Parking |
Detailed Tasks
1 Solution detail
Consider routing based on skills and work parties.
2 Skill-based routing
- in your exercise system, log on as Admin@Booking.
- In the Parking ruleset, create a new Parking skill using Create > Process > Skill .
- In the Weather ruleset create a new Weather skill using Create > Process > Skill.
- In the Facility Coordinator operator records, add the appropriate Parking and/or Weather skills as described in the Your Assignment section of this exercise.
- Create Booking:FacilityCoordinators access group.
- Create FacilityCoordinator1@Booking, FacilityCoordinator2@Booking, FacilityCoordinator3@Booking operators.
- For all three Facility Coordinators, change the default work groups to Facilities@FSG.
- Select Create > Organization > Work Group to create a new Facilities@FSG work group.. Set the Manager to the provided EventManager1@Booking operator and the Default workbasket to the provided Booking:FacilityCoordinator workbasket. As Authorized managers add the Admin@Booking operator.
3 Configure the Prepare for Precipitation Step
- In the Cases Explorer, open the Weather case type.
- In the General tab enable the Behavior Skip 'Create' view when users create a new case checkbox.
- In the Data model tab ensure that the Tents Setup, Seating Covered, and Raincoats Provided fields are of Type Boolean.
- In the Workflow tab in the Preparing stage, select the Track Precipitation step .
- Select Configure view and add fields Tents Setup, Seating Covered, and Raincoats Provided as shown in the following image.
- Click Submit twice to create the Prepare for Precipitation section.
- Use the ToLeveledGroup router to route the case to a user in Facilities@FSG work group with the designated skill. In the following example, the Weather skill is specified.
4 Configure the Wait for Check Date step
- In the Cases Explorer, open the Weather case type.
- In the Workflow tab in the Wait for Check Date stage, select the Wait for Check Date step.
- Configure the Wait type as Timer.
- Select the Reference date/time radio button and enter .Preperation.WetatherCheckDate as the Date/Time.
5 Work party routing
In the first assignment performed in the Prepare for Weather process, add the facility coordinator as a work party using the standard addWorkObjectParty activity as a post activity.
- Open the (FSG-Booking-Work-Event) pyCaseManagementDefault work parties record.
- On the work party record, select Save As and save pyCaseManagementDefault using the Apply to FSG-Booking-Work class and Add to EventBooking ruleset. Then click Create and open to create a new rule that shares the pyCaseManagementDefault work parties rule by way of pattern inheritance.
- In the new work parties rule, do the following:
- In the Valid Parties tab on the new work parties rule, add a new FacilityCoordinator Role using Data-Party-Operator as the Party class, Facility Coordinator as the Party label, Facility Coordinator as the Party prompt, and CurrentOperator as the Data transform.
- In the Data transform field for the Interested Role, add NewParty as shown in the following image.
- Save the work parties rule.
- Change the Availability to Withdrawn for the existing (FSG-Booking-Work-WeatherPrep) pyCaseManagementDefault and the existing (FSG-Booking-Work-Parking) pyCaseManagementDefault work parties rules. Both the Parking and Weather case types will now reuse the (FSG-Booking-Work) pyCaseManagementDefault work parties rule.
- Open the (FSG-Booking-Work-Weather) TrackPreperation flow action.
- In the flow action Action tab configure the Run activity field in the Post-Processing section to call the addWorkObjectParty activity. Use PartyRole FacilityCoordinator, PartyClass Data-Party-Operator, and PartyModel CurrentOperator as the Parameters.
Adding the facility coordinator as a work party allows users reviewing the case to easily see who is the facility coordinator.
You can route subsequent assignments to the FacilityCoordinator work party. Do not route to the Current operator because it can lead to problems. For example, if the previous assignment were processed by an SLA, the ToCurrentOperator router results in an error. The following example shows routing for the Review Preparations assignment.
6 Configure Parking case routing
Configure Parking cases to route to facility coordinators with the Parking skill and add that facility coordinator as a work party to the Parking case.
- In the Cases Explorer, open the Parking case type.
Use the ToLeveledGroup router to route the Reserve Shuttles step in the Preparation stage to a user in Facilities@FSG work group with the designated skill. In the following example, the Parking skill is specified.
- Open the (FSG-Booking-Work-Parking) ReserveShuttles flow action.
In the flow action Action tab configure the Run activity field in the Post-Processing section to call the addWorkObjectPartyactivity. Use PartyRoleFacilityCoordinator, PartyClassData-Party-Operator, and PartyModelCurrentOperator as the Parameters.
- Select the Enter Number of Cars Parked step in the Collect Results step of the Execution stage of the Parking case type.
In the General tab of the Enter Number of Cars Parked step configure Route to Custom, Assignment type Worklist, Router ToWorkParty, and Party FacilityCoordinator as shown in the following image.
This ensures that the same facility coordinator that made the shuttle arrangements also enters the number of cars parked during the event.
7 Verify your work
- Create a Booking case.
- Select Hotel Reservation and Parking and Shuttle Services.
- Verify that the Reserve Shuttles step in the Parking sub-case was assigned to a Facility Coordinator with the required Parking skill.
- Advance the Weather subcase to the Prepare for Precipitation step.
- Verify that the Prepare for Precipitation assignment in the Weather subcase was assigned to a Facility Coordinator with the required Weather skill.
- Import the Solution RAP to review the updated routing for Weather and Hotel subcases.
8 Solution alternatives
Two standard routers can be leveraged when using skilled based routing: ToLeveledGroup and ToSkilledGroup. Both of these routing rules route to a user in a specified work group with the designated skill.
ToLeveledGroup is a valid option because it takes the users current workload into consideration. ToSkilledGroup is not a valid option in this scenario because this router does not take workload into consideration.
Creating a custom routing activity is a valid option if the routing requirements are not covered by a standard router. Since ToLeveledGroup takes both skills and workload into account, a custom router is not required.
9 Solution download
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