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Setting up a partner community


4 Tasks

10 mins

Visible to: All users
Pega Sales Automation 8.5
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Joel King, a channel manager, wants to create a Q&A community for the partners he manages. Joel want to control who has access to the Q&A community.

Use the following credentials to log in to the exercise system:




Channel manager Joel King



Partner seller Jane Austin



Your assignment consists of the following tasks

Task 1: Create a private Q&A space.

Task 2: As the partner seller, request access to the space.

Task 3: Approve access for the partner seller.

Task 4: Confirm that the partner seller can access the space.

Challenge Walkthrough

Detailed Tasks

1 Create a private Q&A space

  1. Log in as channel manager Joel King.
  2. Open the Spaces landing page.
  3. Click Create space.
  4. On the Create a new space page, populate the form with the following values:
    1. Name: Q&A
    2. Description: This space is for partner sellers to post queries and get answers.
    3. Space type: Anyone can request access. Owner must approve or invite  (Private)
  5. Click Done.

2 As the partner seller, request access to the space

  1. Log in as partner seller Jane Austin.
  2. Open the Spaces landing page.
  3. To the right of the Search field, select All.
  4. Locate the Q&A space and click on Request access.

3 Approve access for the partner seller

  1. Log in as channel manager Joel King.
  2. Open the Spaces landing page.
  3. Open the Q&A space.
  4. At the top, click Add member. The Manage members dialog is displayed.
  5. Click the check mark next to Jane Austin.
  6. In the upper right corner of the dialog, click X to close the dialog.

4 Confirm that the partner seller can access the space

  1. Log in as partner seller Jane Austin.
  2. Open the Spaces landing page.
  3. Locate and open the Q&A space.

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