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Testing Pega Platform applications

1 Task

30 mins

Pega Platform '24.2
Visible to: All users
Pega Platform '24.2


For an Assistance Request Case, when users enter the vehicle make, one or more associated models should be displayed in the Model drop-down list. Intermittently, users report that some car makes do not have an associated model name in the vehicle information. Additionally, stakeholders are concerned about application performance. To ensure that customers can complete Assistance Request Cases efficiently, stakeholders require that the system generates the vehicle model list within 150 milliseconds.

To meet these requirements, your Deployment Manager has asked you to:

  • Create a Unit test to test the vehicle information list and confirm that the model list generates in the time threshold.
  • Run a Test Coverage session using the unit test and report the results.

You are asked to complete the following assigned tasks. As a new System Architect, your Lead System Architect provides you with a collection of technical documentation links to help you get started.

The following table provides the credentials you need to complete the challenge:

Role User name Password
Application Tester tester@gogoroad pega123!

You must initiate your own Pega instance to complete this Challenge.

Initialization may take up to 5 minutes so please be patient.

Detailed Tasks

1 Test Pega Platform applications

Testing platform applications journey map

Read the technical documentation provided to complete the assigned tasks. The technical documentation might have more information than you need.

Acceptance criteria

  • Three Unit tests exist for the D_VehicleinformationList Data Page. Each Unit test uses the make and modelyear as the parameter values. For the Unit test make = Tesla and modelyear =  2017, the test should return a result of 3 models.
  • Each Unit test asserts that the expected run time of the test is less than 200 miliseconds (0.2 seconds) and that the result count (.pxResults), or number of models returned for each make and modelyear, is greater than 0. The Unit tests are saved to GoGoRoadTesting.
  • A Test Coverage session has been run using the Unit tests and the results have been reported. 
  • The application quality settings include the built-in GoGoRoad application.


  1. In the Pega instance for the challenge, enter the following credentials:
    1. In the User name field, enter tester@gogoroad.
    2. In the Password field, enter pega123!.
  2. In Dev Studio, navigate to the Vehicle information Data type and the List Vehicle information (D_VehicleinformationList) Data Page. Using sample values (make: Tesla, modelyear: 2017), run the Data Page and create a Unit test in accordance with the information detailed in the acceptance criteria. Create additional Unit tests for Ford and Saturn.
  3. Create additional Unit tests for the makes Ford and Saturn using the same 2017 modelyear.
  4. Configure the Application Quality settings to also include GoGoRoad as a built-on application for test coverage.
  5. Configure an Application Quality Test Coverage session that uses the Unit tests you created for the D_VehicleinformationList Data Page.
  6. With the Test Coverage session running, configure the Application Quality Automated Testing Unit Test Cases to display the Unit tests you created. Run the Unit tests as part of the Test Coverage session and view the results.

Confirm your work

  1. Return to the Application: Test Coverage tab, stop the Test Coverage session, and generate a report.
  2.  View the report for the Test coverage session, which should look similar to the following image:
    A report from the test coverage session.

The Unit Test configuration for Tesla should look similar to the following image:

The Unit Test configuration for Tesla.

Your result for the Ford Unit Test should look similar to the following image:

The result for the unit test for the Ford make.

The result of the automated unit testing session should look similar to the following image:

The result of the automated unit testing session.

Available in the following mission:

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