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Fix common mistakes in challenges and mission exercises

Spelling mistakes are the most common cause of validation errors in auto-graded challenges and mission exercises. If a task or user story fails validation after you submit your solution build for verification, click the failed task or user story to reveal the grading results.

Then, review your solution build carefully, and fix any naming conventions or spelling errors noted in the grading results. If the validation error is not related to a naming convention of spelling error, review our list of the most common causes of error messages.

Most Common Errors

You must use the login credentials provided in every challenge and mission exercise.

Note: Pega Robot Manager challenges must be completed in order. If you cannot login using the credentials provided in the challenge or mission exercise, it is because you did not complete the preceding challenges.

This error indicates you did not use the multi-step form to define the process flow (steps).

To resolve this error, delete the existing process and then add a new multi-step form to the stage.

add new multi-form step example

This issue is caused by your browser's Locale (language) setting.

To override your browser's Locale setting, edit the operator record and set the Default locale to EN_en.

To edit the operator record:

  1. In Dev Studio, click Configure > Org & Security > Organization.
  2. On the Operators tab, click the operator record you want to update.
  3. In the Localization section (on the right), enter EN_en in the Default locale field.
  4. Save the changes to the operator record. 
Tip: Remember, you must cycle your log-in to Pega for changes to the Operator record to take effect. 

As noted in the error message, you cannot create a branched ruleset for a locked application.

To proceed, you can unlock the application ruleset or not use a development branch - select [No branch] from the Development branch drop-down list options.

This error usually occurs when the changes to the case type were not saved correctly.

To fix this error, in the case designer, click Save, and then click Save and Run.

Then, return to the challenge page and click Verify Challenge.

This error indicates you are trying to create a field using a name that is already in use.

You must use a different name, or delete the existing field.

To delete the existing field,

  1. In App Studio, click the Data Designer, then open the data object that contains the field you want to change.
  2. Delete the field you want to change (click the trash can icon on the right).
  3. Click Add field to add a new field with the correct type.
  4. Edit the view(s) that contain the field to ensure the new field is referenced correctly.

This error indicates you did not set the status of the stage to Resolved-Rejected as specified in the acceptance criteria.

To set the status of the stage:

  1. Open the case type and select the stage for which you want to change the status.
  2. In the Stage property pane on the right, on the General tab, in the Resolution status field, press the Down arrow key, and then select a status value.
  3. Save the changes to the case type.

For more information about how to configure a case resolution status, see Configuring a case resolution.

Common errors in case life cycle design

This error indicates you did not name the case type as specified in the acceptance criteria of the challenge or mission exercise. In most cases, it is best to reset the Pega instance and start over.

It is possible to edit the underlying class name from Dev Studio.

  1. Switch to Dev Studio.
  2. Click the App explorer, and identify the Work class name (red box), and the case type name (blue box).
    Identify class names
  3. In the header, click Configure > System > Refactor > Classes.
  4. Click Rename a Class.
  5. In the Old Class Name field, enter the first few characters of the Work class name you identified in step 2, and then press the down arrow on your keyboard to display a list of class names.
  6. Select the complete class name that matches the Work class name and the case type name. In this example, you select UPlus-AcctMgmn-Work-BalanceTransferCaseType.
    Enter old class name and new class name
  7. In the New Class Name field, enter the name of the Work class (do not change) and the case type name as specified in the acceptance criteria of the challenge or mission exercise.
  8. Click Next on the next three pages - do not make any changes.
  9. On the next page, click Finish.
  10. On the next page, click Done.
  11. Right-click on the Work class name, and select Refresh all to view the updated class names.

Return to the challenge or mission exercise page and verify your solution.

This error indicates you did not use the multi-step form to define the process flow (steps).

To resolve this error, delete the existing process and then add a new multi-step form to the stage.

add new multi-form step example

This error indicates the names of the stages do not match the acceptance criteria specified in the challenge or mission exercise. Spelling errors are the most common cause of this error. Review the acceptance criteria in the challenge or mission exercise and ensure you named the stages as specified in the acceptance criteria.

This error indicates you did not configure the transition of one or more stages in the case life cycle as specified in the acceptance criteria of the challenge or mission exercise.

To resolve this error, review the acceptance criteria for stage transitions in the challenge or mission exercise, and confirm your solution build meets the acceptance criteria.

For remedial learning on how to configure stage transitions, see the Pega Academy topic Case life cycle design: Stage transitions (link opens in a new tab/window.)

This error indicates you did not name a persona according to the acceptance criteria in the challenge or mission exercise. This error can also indicate you did not spell the name of the persona correctly when you first created the persona.

To resolve this error, review the names of the persona in the stage indicated in the task or user story.

If you made an initial mistake when creating the persona:

  1. Remove the persona from the stage(s) in the case type, and then save the changes to the case type.
  2. From the App Studio explorer panel, click Users > User management.
  3. On the Personas tab, delete the persona(s) that are causing the error.
  4. Click Add to add a new persona.
  5. Enter the name of the persona as specified in the acceptance criteria. Ensure you do not make any mistakes.
  6. Enter a description, and then click Submit.
  7. Return to the case type.
  8. In the appropriate stage - as specified in the acceptance criteria - click + Persona and select the persona from the list.
  9. Save your changes to the case type.

More tips for resolving case life cycle design errors

Common errors with Fields and Views

This error indicates you did not configure the field with the correct filed type as specified in the acceptance criteria for the challenge or mission exercise.

To resolve this error:

  1. From App Studio, click the Data explorer
  2. Open the Transfer offers data object.
  3. Delete the field you want to change (click the trash can icon on the right.
  4. Click Add field to add a new field with the correct Type.
  5. Confirm the field is updated in the View

This error indicates you did not use the correct field type specified in the challenge or mission exercise.

You cannot change the type of a field (property). To change a field type, you must delete the field with the incorrect type, then create a new field with the correct type.

  1. In App Studio, click the Data Designer, then open the data object that contains the field you want to change.
  2. Delete the field you want to change (click the trash can icon on the right).
  3. Click Add field to add a new field with the correct type.
  4. Edit the view(s) that contain the field to ensure the new field is referenced correctly.

This error indicates the View is not configured correctly. To resolve this error, remove the step from the process and save the change to the case type. Then, add a new step and configure the view as specified in the challenge or mission exercise.

NOTE: If you added fields, data objects, or data references to the view do not try to create these artifacts again. Simply select them from the Fields menu (on the left of the Configure view modal).

To edit the name (label) of a field:

  1. In App Studio, Open the case type, then select the Data model tab.
  2. Identify the field for which you want to change the name and click, and click the Gear icon in the right-most column.
  3. Edit the text in the Field name field.

You cannot change the type of a field (property). To change a field type, you must delete the field with the incorrect type, then create a new field with the correct type.

  1. In App Studio, click the Data Designer, then open the data object that contains the field you want to change.
  2. Delete the field you want to change (click the trash can icon on the right).
  3. Click Add field to add a new field with the correct type.
  4. Edit the view(s) that contain the field to ensure the new field is referenced correctly.

Common errors with data objects

This error indicates you did not name the data object as specified in the acceptance criteria.

Note: You must spell the name of the data object correctly when you first create the data object. If you misspelled the name of the data object when you first created it, editing the name later only changes the descriptive label, but the auto-grader is checking for the rule ID.

To resolve this error, review the acceptance criteria for the data objects in the challenge or mission exercise. Then, follow the steps below to resolve the error:

  1. Access your Pega instance and open App Studio.
  2. Click the Data explorer.
  3. Identify the data object that you want to delete
  4. Click the vertical menu on the far right of the data object row, and click Delete.
  5. Follow the procedure in the challenge or mission exercise to create a new data object.

This error indicates you did not name the data object as specified in the acceptance criteria when you first created the data object.

Note: You must spell the name of the data object correctly when you first create the data object. If you misspelled the name of the data object when you first created it, editing the name later only changes the descriptive label, but the auto-grader is checking for the rule ID.

To resolve this error, review the acceptance criteria for the data objects in the challenge or mission exercise. Then, follow the steps below to resolve the error:

  1. Access your Pega instance and open App Studio.
  2. Click the Data explorer.
  3. Identify the data object that you want to delete
  4. Click the vertical menu on the far right of the data object row, and click Delete.
  5. Follow the procedure in the challenge or mission exercise to create a new data object.

To resolve this error:

  1. Access your Pega instance and open App Studio.
  2. Click the Data explorer.
  3. Identify the data object that you want to delete
  4. Click the vertical menu on the far right of the data object row, and click Delete.
  5. Follow the procedure in the challenge or mission exercise to create a new data object.

If you are still having trouble completing the challenge or mission exercise, we recommend resetting the Pega instance and working through the challenge or mission exercise again. If you are having technical issues with a Pega instance, please contact the Pega Academy support team.

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