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Using Data Objects within Cases

Applications and their users need data to process Cases and make informed decisions. An application might require access to existing records. Data references help your users to interact with data resources and improve the efficiency of data collection. 

There are two steps to creating a data reference:

1. Create a Data Object

Data Objects can store records in the application or pull them from a third-party system. For example, you can build a customer Data Object to manage customer information, containing fields such as Name, Phone Number, and Email Address, which you can populate with records from an external data source.  

2. Reference the Data Object in your interface and choose the fields to include in an associated view

At run time, the Data Object reference displays records in the UI that represent all individual customers. The user can select a specific customer from the list, and the application fills the Data Page with information sourced from the database.  

Using Data Objects in your application ensures that information stays in the correct system of record and reduces the number of duplicates and processing errors. 


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