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When to build in Constellation or Theme Cosmos

As a Pega UX designer or as a UI developer, you might be asked to create an application by using a Pega design system. It is important for you to understand if Constellation will best serve your application.    

Guidelines for new applications 

  • For new applications that you build from scratch, review the feature changes and limitations in the Constellation design system and UI architecture comparison. Use the Theme Cosmos architecture if your application requires features that Constellation does not support.

  • Keep the original architecture for new applications that you build on top of existing applications that do not use Theme Cosmos. For example, if an existing application uses Theme UI-Kit, and you build a new application based on this existing one, the new application must also use Theme UI-Kit.  

Guidelines for existing applications 

  • Keep existing applications on their current architecture.

In Pega Platform™ ’23, applications that use the Constellation UI architecture can import assets, such as cases and landing pages, from existing UI Kit and Theme Cosmos applications.

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