Pega Knowledge
6 Modules
4 Challenges
5 hrs 25 mins
In this mission, you will become familiar with the benefits of content authoring and management with Pega Knowledge. Learn how to import content, work with templates, and maximize content reuse. Work through the content management life cycle as you create, approve, or publish content. Manage existing content and add multimedia to your help articles. You will also learn administrative tasks, including how to create and utilize content types during help content creation, and creating new taxonomy categories.
Available in the following mission:
Pega Knowledge overview
Pega Knowledge overview
4 Topics
35 mins
Explore the features of Pega Knowledge™. Learn how to navigate the Knowledge portal and the content management Life Cycle.
Pega Knowledge authoring
Pega Knowledge authoring
3 Topics
30 mins
This module provides an overview of the process of creating content. Learn how to create article drafts efficiently, add multimedia, reference other...
Approving and publishing Pega Knowledge content
Approving and publishing Pega Knowledge content
2 Topics
15 mins
Learn about the process and the roles involved in approving and publishing draft content for Pega Knowledge. You also learn how to reject content, add...
Linking Knowledge articles to service cases
Linking Knowledge articles to service cases
4 Tasks
5 mins
You have been asked to create content that provides customers with guidance through the process of remortgaging with U+ Bank. The goal of the content...
Content administration
Content administration
10 Topics
1 hr 45 mins
Learn how to perform administrative tasks and prepare your organization to create content. Define the content taxonomy for your organization and...
Performing administrative tasks in Pega Knowledge
Performing administrative tasks in Pega Knowledge
3 Tasks
10 mins
U+Bank is implementing a new remortgaging process for their customers. A Taxonomy Manager has been tasked with ensuring that the Knowledge Management...
Managing content
Managing content
3 Tasks
10 mins
U+Bank updatesits mortgage rates at the beginning of each yearly quarter. You have been tasked with cloning the Monthly interest article, modifying...
Worklists and Workbaskets
Worklists and Workbaskets
3 Topics
30 mins
Learn to properly manage work using Worklists. Claim unassigned work from a workbasket, or transfer work between users to help manage the workload of...
Advanced authoring
Advanced authoring
3 Topics
25 mins
In this module you learn how to import content into Pega Knowledge from an external source such as a legacy content system or a translation services...
Importing and exporting content
Importing and exporting content
3 Tasks
10 mins
U+Bank is going through a reclassification of their help content. As a Super User you are tasked with importing the current knowledge base of articles...