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Case view configuration with Pega Cosmos design system


4 Topics

1 hr 5 mins

Pega Platform 8.5
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Pega Platform 8.5
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In the Pega Cosmos design system, the information architecture of a case is optimized so that users can quickly understand the case's most critical data at a glance and efficiently perform case processing in a rich, modern experience.

From the developer perspective, Cosmos's template-based architecture enables developers to quickly map case data into regions instead of building and maintaining traditional section rules.

In this module, you learn about the different parts of the view of a case, the default configuration, and how you can use App Studio to customize it.

After completing this module, you should be able to:

Describe the page anatomy of a case
Configure case details in the case summary panel in App Studio
Create case tabs and tab content to explore additional aspects of a case in App Studio

Available in the following mission:

Theme Cosmos Foundation for Pega Infinity v1

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