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Customizing the user interface for Business Architects

3 Topics

30 mins

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Pega Platform '23
User Experience
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As a Pega Business Architect, you need to understand the Pega Platform™ features that allow you to tailor the user experience based on channel and Persona to allow users to perform their jobs more efficiently. 

In this module, you learn how to configure changes to the user portal landing pages, apply styles to UI controls and control the visibility of fields to improve application branding, appearance and so each of your application's users can complete their work efficiently. 

After completing this module, you should be able to:

Describe the business benefit of using portals.
Identify the elements of a portal.
Update a portal with new landing pages.
Change the styling of a control at runtime.
Identify the attributes used to dynamically display information.

Practice what you learned in the following Challenge:

Creating Personas and Channels for BAs v1

Available in the following mission:

Business Architect v6

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