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Managing government programs

5 Topics

40 mins

Pega Government Platform '23
Visible to: All users
Beginner Pega Government Platform '23 Government English

Agencies and departments manage many complex Government programs that require timely policy changes to benefit the constituents. Programs include grants, licenses, permits, and benefit programs. Pega Government Platform™ introduces the construct of Program configuration and management by the business to govern these programs in a standardized fashion and provides a unified application request process to consume the programs to scale for the enterprise and empower their constituents. This module provides an overview of the program configuration definition, authoring, application intake, and review of programs with varying entities and policy definitions.

After completing this module, you should be able to:

Assimilate the features of program configuration and management in Pega Government Platform.
Introduce a new program into the solution with the dynamic policies that pertain to the business.
Describe the Case Life Cycle of program configuration processes.
Explain the reusable and configurable subcomponents in the process of a program definition.
Apply for the new program as a constituent or Case worker can go through the process end to end.
Identify all extension points for program configurations and application requests, and understand how the Life Cycle extends after the approval of the program.

Available in the following mission:

Pega Government Platform Core Concepts v4

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