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Predicting missing the Service-Level Agreement

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10 mins

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Pega Platform '24.1
Decision Management
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Pega Process AI™ can help to distinguish regular from complex claims. Complex claims often escalate into a lengthy process, which is not only costly, but also leads to poor customer experiences.

Learn how to use Process AI to create an adaptive model to route complex cases to an experienced handler and leave many of the claims for straight-through processing. As the adaptive model learns from the outcome of each case, it becomes more accurate at predicting which claims to escalate, and in that way to self-optimize the process.

After completing this module, you should be able to:

Create a prediction that predicts case outcomes.
Use the new prediction to route complex cases to an expert.

Practice what you learned in the following Challenge:

Creating a missing SLA prediction v2

Available in the following mission:

Pega Process AI Essentials v5

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